

Saturday, February 6, 2016

AYSI122 Hello and Thank You

Hey, everyone!  Hope you're having a great Saturday!  I squeezed in some crafty time...can't say stamping time, because I didn't stamp a thing on either of these two cards for As You See It's sketch challenge:

 I had this really cute heart paper from Authentique, and although I probably wouldn't use it for a Valentine's card, it would suit for other occasions.  Did some diecutting and added some embellies, and here we go:

Both used retired Bordering Blue cardstock for the base, with mats of Crumb Cake and Cajun Craze and diecuts of Chocolate Chip.  I added some ribbon on one and a button and linen thread on the other.  I just love the "knit" feel of these little hearts:

Thanks for visiting today!  I don't have any pix of Cassidy, but I just snagged these quick photos of a yellow-bellied sapsucker (you're probably sick of seeing him) and a nuthatch:

and a gorgeous sunset from last week out across the back field:

Be sure to pop back tomorrow as I'll be the hostess for the Paper Players!  Enjoy!


  1. Such warm, comforting colours in this DSP! You might not have stamped anything but you certainly knew how to put that paper with other things to make the most of it. I love the way your stitching goes so well with the hand-knitted look of the hearts. Thanks so much for joining us again this week at As You See It.

  2. Super cute! Sometimes no stamping cards are relaxing!!

  3. I agree - these little hearts are so cute. Two really pretty and fun cards.
    What a gorgeous sunset picture.
    I hope you're having a good weekend.

  4. Love these cards - nothing wrong with a little 'no stamping' every once in a while! I just love the muted colours and the paper is perfect for the sketch.

  5. Leanne, I just love that knitted look background! How cute! Looks like a cozy sweater! So glad you joined us at As You See It Challenges this week.

  6. Love the patterned paper interpretation of the sketch! Thanks for playing along with the As You See It Challenge this week. I hope you'll join us next week! A new challenge posts tomorrow!!!


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