

Thursday, October 29, 2015

RRBC26 Retro Santa


Happy Thursday, peeps!  A real quick post today as I am in the throes of trying to make some cards and crafts for a local craft show next week!  But I couldn’t pass up this fun sketch from Retro Rubber:

 Challange 26

I turned the sketch on its side to make use of this fun MME Lost & Found Christmas paper that I’ve been hoarding for a long time, along with some matching MME brads and embellishments!  I mounted them all on a card of Bravo Burgundy:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings MME Santa Christmas

After agonizing over which brads to use, this card took about ten minutes to put together!  The only stamping was the sentiment on the inside!  Easy peasy!

So, I am on a roll here with the bad-grammy sweet stuff this week; yesterday we made Halloween cookies with orange icing and orange and black sprinkles!  Yikes!  The end result is tucked away in a tin on top of the fridge, so we can limit the amount she eats every day!!! 

Rolling out and lifting the cookies from the cloth requires great concentration:


But once they’re baked, the fun begins!


“Maybe I should stand up!”


And yes, doesn’t everyone wear their “Peace Out” rubber boots while decorating Halloween cookies?  (She insisted on wearing them because it was raining!)


Tada!  And trust me….don’t buy black sprinkles unless you want your fingers, lips and teeth to turn gray!


This was my favorite…the “spooky bat”!!!  Enjoy your day!



  1. Haha, this is a much merrier face than yesterdays card, lol! Love it, what a happy Santa, and those brads are great. Love Cassidy's Peace Out boots, too!

  2. My granddaughter also likes to bake cookies with me. Did you make that apron for Cassidy or did you find it somewhere?

    1. I did not make it, Anita, but it was made by someone was at a craft fair, the first table at which I stopped, and it was such a bargain, I thought I'd better snag it before it was gone! It has come quite in handy many times!

  3. CUTE Christmas card!! I CAN'T WAIT to bake with Penelope!! My mom let Joe bake with her when he was a little boy. He would sit on the counter with the bowl between his legs and cute!! Once the dough was a bit thick and tough for him to stir. He looked at her and said this one is too hard grandma, I'm just a little boy!!!

  4. I love fast and easy cards and this one is wonderful! Those brads are so perfect for the card and the sketch! Thank you for playing along with Retro Rubber this week and hope you will play again soon!

  5. Great job with the sketch and using your much loved MME paper. Thanks for sharing with us at Retro Rubber and please join us again!

  6. Great card Leanne, I love it. I laughed at the Peace Out wellingtons being worn in the house..Thanks for playing with us at Retro Rubber. Cx

  7. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this Santa!!!!! So vintage and lovely! The brads are perfect! Look at the Little Baker with her boots and apron. She is precious! I wish I had one of those cookies! Such a fun event! XX

  8. Leanne, the card and the cookie baker are absolutely adorable. Your vintage papers and brads are perfect for the sketch. Thanks so much for including Retro Rubber in your stamping fun this week!

  9. Love your use of the paper and brads with the sketch from Retro Rubber! Thanks for sharing your baking cookies with your GD.

  10. This retro Santa card rocks! Loooove the pops of color! Thanks so much for doing the challenge!

  11. Leanne! I love this card! That paper and those brads! Love love love! Thanks for joining as at Retro Rubber!


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