

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Try Stampin on Tuesday 232


Happy Tuesday, peeps!  It’s time for a new Try Stampin’ on Tuesday challenge!  This week we have this sketch (and I realize I forgot the little embellishments on the left side, ooops!) as well as the optional theme of “Happy”:

I needed a wedding card, and I am trying to use up some of my huge stash of DSP, so I thought this floral design from a few years ago would be pretty:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings TSOT232 Wedding Stampin Up

The main sentiment is from SU’s retired Word Play, stamped in Always Artichoke; the florals are from Everything Eleanor, stamped in Soft Sky.  The congrats is from a big set of sentiments gifted to me by my friend Martha!  I added a panel of embossed hearts, and the banner is woodgrain-embossed as well, to add to the botanical theme:


And of course, I had to add a “diamond” to the ring!!  And the inside uses the same sentiment set, along with some little hearts:


I hope you’ll play along at the TSOT challenge blog this week….we have a FB page too, you are more than welcome to share your creation there as well!

We gave Cassidy her big gift yesterday morning; the suspense was mounting:


What could be in this big box?


Something “Frozen”!!!


A scooter!


We know she needs a helmet (it was at home) and perhaps froggy boots weren’t the best choice of footwear, but she gave it a go:


We definitely need practice…and we still have training wheels on the bike she got last year!  But she had fun!

Enjoy your day!


  1. Very pretty card. Love the colors and the pretty DSP.
    Cassidy looks so happy. Glad she had a good birthday.

  2. Wow, I love that look anticipation on Cassidy's face. She'll master that scooter in no time;)
    I love your wedding card - such a pretty colour combo. All the "happy" is perfect too. Of course a ring Must have a diamond in it;)
    Have a great day.

  3. Another beautiful card Leanne. That little heart embossing folder is adorable and I love the elegant combination of colours. Super DSP too, the draws it all together. Your work is marvellous.

  4. Terrific layers LeAnne, such a pretty card! Cassidy looks so excited with her package!! She'll get the hang of her scooter quickly. The little ones in our neighborhood zip all over on theirs!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!