

Monday, July 20, 2015

It’s Too Hot to Stamp


Happy Monday, peeps!  Is it hot where you are?  After having such gorgeous weather last week, this week started off with heat and humidity, sparking a lovely sinus issue as I begin my vacation week!  I almost felt like not stamping…but I forced myself!  I managed to squeak out two cards yesterday; the first one is for Less Is More’s beach theme, as well as the colors at Colour Me…!:

I pulled out a retired SU stamp, gifted to me by my friend Teri, and stamped the scallop shell in Watermelon Wonder, using watercolor paper, stamping it off once to get a lighter shade:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings Stipple Shells Stampin Up

I added a little Soft Sky “frame” with my aquapainter, then I stamped the shell again, cut it out & popped it up.  You can’t see it here, but I added some Wink of Stella as well as some speckles and it looks so pretty!  My final addition was a sentiment from a Crafty Secrets set and cheesecloth from Cornish Heritage Farms.


My second card is for the Match The Sketch challenge:

I just received my Paper Pumpkin and what a cute set this one is!  I needed a get-well card for an older woman at my church who fell and broke some body parts, so this came in handy!!!  I added a Cucumber Crush embossed panel (I am forcing myself to use this color), cut the gray panel in half and used the Pumpkin Pie strip as my banner. 

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings Paper Pumpkin July 2015 Get Well Stampin Up

I even added a little flower and pearl to my cactus!


Hope she likes it!  Enjoy your day!

I still have the typewriter I got in high school….can you believe it?  Cassidy wanted to try it out the other day.  She had a little trouble hitting the keys hard enough and wanted to go much faster than it was capable of handling!!!



She really liked making it go “DING”, though!!!  We’ll save this for when she’s a wee bit older….I’d like to keep it in working condition for another 43 years!



  1. Pretty cards. Sorry your are having sinus issues, hope you are better real soon. Enjoy your vacation.
    I remember those typewriters. Cassidy looks like she is having fun with it.

    1. Thanks, JoAnn! I'm better today....still sniffling but no sore throat! Have a great week and stay cool!

  2. Gorgeous seaside card, Leanne, very clever design and a lovely image. The other card is so pretty too, and how fun with a type writer :)

    Love and hugs

  3. I love the softness of your first card LeAnne!! The cheesecloth looks like a net, so perfect with the seashell! Cute teacup on the second card, it's bright and happy! I wish I had my little typewriter from high school!!

  4. Such beautiful cards! I adore that cheesecloth stamp on our number, and the palette is perfect for seaside wishes! Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at Colour Me...! Cute pics of Cassidy, too! TFS!

  5. Such a gorgeous "beach" card! And I love the bright colors of the second card! I remember playing with a typewriter when I was a child and loved to go fast! Of course it wasn't real words, but I didn't care. Then I got an electric typewriter that my kids loved to play with. We've come a long way haven't we?

  6. Wow that's great that you've been able to keep your typewriter this long (and in such good condition too). I think it is a wise decision to keep this til Cassidy is older though;)
    I'm sorry to hear that you've got sinus issues for your vacation week. I'll be praying that you feel better and are able to enjoy your week. I am glad you forced yourself to stamp though because these cards are so pretty and it would have been sad for us to miss seeing them.

    1. Thanks, Darlene! I am feeling better today, thank goodness! Your prayers worked!

  7. Such a pretty and soft way to incorporate the Colour Me challenge colours! Also, I got a laugh seeing Cassidy enjoy your typewriter! :) Julia

  8. Sehr schick, gefällt mir, total gut gelungen. Vielen Dank für deine Teilnahme bei Match-the-Sketch, viel Glück bei der Challenge und der Verlosung. Hoffe, wir sehen dich bald wieder bei einer unserer nächsten Challenges…Viele liebe Grüße, Fanny

  9. Leanne what a beautiful beachy card, love the colour contrast of your shell.
    Thanks so much for joining us
    Less is More

  10. Fantastic card, love your choice of serene colours and the beach theme with shells works brilliantly. Thanks so much for sharing and taking part.
    Sarah xx
    Less is More

  11. Oh wow! The beach card is sooo beautiful. Love the different paper versions you used and the soft colors.

  12. I love your shell card. The soft blue looks beautiful surrounding the pop of yummy pink. Love the raised frame too.
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Anita x
    Less is More

  13. I love both cards but the first one stopped me in my tracks - perfect for the theme and so beautifully CAS. Just gorgeous with that sentiment too.

  14. This is a super seaside card!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"


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