

Thursday, July 16, 2015

CYCI78 Get Well


Happy Thursday, everyone!  I have a cute little get well card today using the Can You Case It challenge of black, white and one color!


I have always loved red, black and white together, and I was itching to use this cute little Scottie image from Hey, Girl, so now’s the time!  Here we go:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings Hey, Girl Scottie Get Well Stampin Up

I cut a card from my Circle Card Thinlits in Real Red, embossed the front panel and added some chevron paper that my friend gave me after doing her daughter’s graduation cards.  I stamped Mr Scottie on some Shimmery White paper in Memento ink and colored him with black reinker ink….I must say, I think this is the first time I’ve ever used black ink to watercolor!  His bow and nose were Real Red marker…..and the sentiment from the retired Delightful Dozen was stamped in Real Red as well.  I added a gingham ribbon, and it’s ready to roll!  I did add another white circle to the inside on which to write my wishes!


Isn’t he the cutest? 


Our little garden is producing cucumbers like crazy, so John wanted me to try to make dill pickles like “the ones that come in a barrel”!!!  I’ve made bread and butter pickles, but never ones that need fermenting!  Should be interesting!  Cassidy helped by putting the cukes in the bucket with the brine and seasonings:


She was quite a speedy helper!  She mixed everything up, but by her expression, she wasn’t too impressed with the smell!



Vinegar, salt, dill and garlic…..I’ll keep you posted on how they’re progressing!  It takes 4-6 weeks!


Enjoy your day!


  1. Pickles look yummy, but your card is adorable! Perfect color choices for your little Scottie! And the chevron and gingham compliment each other nicely! So cute! Thanks for joining us at CYCI :)

  2. So cute!!! Love the colors, and that little scottie is adorable. Homemade pickles, yumm! Half-sours are my favorite!

    1. I have never heard of half-sours! I will have to look them up...maybe they'll be next!

  3. CUTE doggie card!! That flip die is on my wish list too!! LOL!!
    Wow, hubby would love those pickles!! We have picked several cucumbers from our garden, but they're too big and long for pickles! :) Tell us how they turn out!

  4. Oh the card is adorable and I love that bucket of cucumbers. We are at the cabin and my step son is enjoying all of my cucumbers. We go home Monday for 3 days then back up here. I miss my craft room A LOT. Hugs, Linda

  5. This is such a cute card, love the design and bit of ribbon!! Good luck with the pickles, hope it works. If it does, maybe he'll get you a barrel next year!!!

  6. I love your cute little puppy! Beautiful card! Thanks for joining us at!


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