

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

CYCI#70 Friendly Wishes


Happy Tuesday, everyone!  I have actually been stamping, just not enough time to blog and comment, but I think things will be a little less hectic this week!  Keeping my fingers crossed!  I am sure all moms out there are feeling the end-of-the-year rush!

I wanted to stamp a couple things for my club girls to show them the new In Colors….I have to admit I am not crazy about all of them, but I do love Mint Macaron….it reminds me of Sage Shadow, and I probably cried actual tears when SU retired that color, so I am happy to have it around to play with:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings Friendly WIshes Stampin Up

I made this about 15 minutes before my club girls arrived…nothing like waiting until the last minute!  I randomly stamped the little flowers from Friendly Wishes in Mint Macaron and Tip Top Taupe on some Very Vanilla cardstock, then used a blender pen to fill in the flowers.  I added some of that lovely new Dotted Lace Trim and tied it with Linen Thread:


The sentiment is also stamped in Tip Top Taupe (don’t you just love that name?).  Easy and so pretty together!  Since I used those flowers, I am entering this in the Can You Case It challenge this week, which is May Flowers!


We finally got some rain, and Cassidy wanted to walk outside to visit Grampy in the garage, so she put up my (broken) umbrella in the kitchen…good thing I am not superstitious!



Later she ditched the umbrella and just played in the puddles!  That’s my girl!



Enjoy your day!


  1. Precious card and precious photos! I love your newsletter! Bless you and your family!

  2. Your card is gorgeous! I think I'm going to love the Mint Macaron as well! I love how you added the lace on the diagonal. Oh and Love your pics of your sweet Cassidy too! Thanks for joining us this week at CYCI!

  3. Love this cute little card LeAnne - what a great way to showcase some of the new colours. I didn't think I would like the Mint Macaron, but know I've set eyes on it and had a chance to play I think it might become a favourite - will definitely be adding the mint trim to my next order!

  4. This is a pretty new color! I like the fancy bit of lace you added, wonderful card LeAnne! Gotta love a good jump in a puddle ;)

  5. Pretty card. Love the new colors and that pretty lace.
    Adorable pictures of Cassidy. She sure is having fun in those puddles.

  6. Ooh so pretty LeAnne! And you came up with this in 15 minutes?! I am jealous of your new products AND your amazing talent! I could never ever design a card 15 minutes before a class!

    1. Thanks, Sandy....luckily it was just a sample to wasn't one of the club projects. I would never do that to myself, LOL!!!!

  7. Love this! I wasn't wild about the Mint when I first saw it, but this is a great example of how it can be made beautiful! Thanks for sharing with CYCI!

  8. LeAnne, I love it! from top to bottom its amazing! Thanks for joining us at CYCI :) Eva


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