

Thursday, April 9, 2015

TSSC360 & JUGS287 Big and Bold


Happy Thursday, everyone!  It has been rainy for the last couple of days…I know, April showers bring May flowers, but I am really hankering for some sunshine!  SO I made a card with some big, sunshiney, bold flowers and sentiments for the following challenges:

Just Us Girls wants Spring:

and Technostamper has a perfect sketch:

I pulled out the biggest flowers from Flower Patch and the big “smile” from So You and went to work:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings So You Flower Patch Stampin Up

Really pretty simple: I stamped and masked the flowers & leaves, added the sentiment and a ribbon and mounted it on a Daffodil Delight card base!  I used Melon Mambo, Daffodil Delight, Pool Party, Pink Pirouette and Old Olive.  Easy peasy!


The ONE day we had warm temps this week:


Enjoy your day!


  1. Loll love the bright colors and pretty makes me smile! Warm weather makes you smile too!

  2. Cute card. Love the bold flowers.
    Cassidy is really growing. She is looking so grown up.

  3. Made me smile too. I love the little flowers in the background.

  4. Love those gorgeous bright and beautiful flowers LeAnne. Great colour choices. So glad you shared it with us at Just us Girls this week. Thanks. Hope to see more of your work again.

  5. LeAnne, Love your bold flowers and bold sentiment! Super colorful card! Thanks for joining us over at Just Us Girls this week and we sure hope you will play along again soon! Love your photo, she is adorable!

  6. Big flowers and smiles say "spring" to me! I love your artsy take on the sketch!

  7. I love those big beautiful blooms LeAnne, this is fabulous!! Why is it that after the winter when the little ones emerge to play outdoors once again, they have sprouted up so much!! Cassidy looks so grown up here!

  8. I love your card! That sentiment is great also. I would love to see it as a thinlet in the new catalog. So glad you played along with our challenge at Technostamper! Hope to see you in the next one also!


  9. I adore these bright spring colors. Make me so happy. These are my favorite thinlets of all time. So fun to use. Your card is just wonderful. Love it, thanks so much for playing along with my TSSC this time!

  10. Love it LeAnne!! The bright flowers and bold greeting are fabulous!! Thanks so much for joining the Monday Lunchtime Sketch Challenge!


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