

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Paper Players 232


Hey peeps!  Today, Joanne is our hostess and she’s got a sweet clean-and-simple challenge for us….use a bird on your card!  Yay!  I love birds! 

I am a bit disappointed that my card didn’t photograph as well as I would like, because it’s really cool-looking IRL!  At any rate, here it is:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings Paper Players 232 So You Happy Bird Stampin Up

I used some washi tape, and the top one is the gold one from SU’s Watercolor Wonder, but the shimmer just doesn’t show up in the photo!  Trust me, it looks better than it does here!   The birdhouse tape is from my stash and the other two are from SU’s Sweet Sadie.  I am not sure where the bird die came from (there’s no name on it) and the sentiments and dotty corner are from SU’s set called So You, which is a really fun set from the Occasions Mini.  I stamped the “happy” in Memento Black ink, then used a blender pen and Crisp Cantaloupe ink to fill it in:



I mounted my Very Vanilla panel on a Crumb Cake card I already had laying around (I was trying to use up some stuff I already had cut!), and then added some piercing and sequins.  This is less clean-and-simple than I usually do, but I think it still qualifies!  This also qualifies for Little Red Wagon’s Winter Washiland challenge as well as the sketch from CAS(e) This Sketch:

I can’t wait to see what you come up with for Joanne’s challenge!  Share your creations with us at the Paper Players and meanwhile, check out what the other designers did as well:

Cassidy made some Valentine cookies for her mommy and daddy on Friday:


I had some leftover white and pink icing in the freezer, so we put both in the frosting bag at the same time with a star tip and had lots of fun decorating them!



Enjoy your day!


  1. Love your use of washi tape, especially that cool bird house tape, LeAnne! The dark bird silhouette is perfect on top, and I love the cool dots in the corner. Cassisy did a wonderful job baking cookies, too!

  2. LeAnne, this card rocks! Love your take on the sketch with the washi tape, the bird silhouette and especially the unique sentiment placement. It all works together perfectly--fun and funky! LOVE that birdhouse washi too. Can almost taste Cassidy's cookies through the screen!

  3. I need to get out my washi! I love how you used it here, AND all the details you added to make such a cool card! Those cookies are making me hungry...

  4. Very pretty card. Love all the details.
    Looks like you had fun with Cassidy making cookied.

  5. This card has so many elements of interest LeAnne - I think it is a real WOW CAS card! I love the bird cage washi, the little row of dots, paper piercing and scattering of sequins, but for me the T-shaped sentiment really makes this card - it adds such visual interest! I thought this challenge would appeal to you - so glad you enjoyed playing along this week! The Valentine's cookies look delicious too!

  6. Neat card--I really like how you used the washi tape.

    Cassidy's cookies look pretty and yummy.

  7. I don't know LeAnne, your card looks very cool to me! It's hip and full of interesting elements. Thank you for the invitation to add my bird card to the challenge too!

  8. Love your card LeAnne! "Cute Cookies by Cassidy"……I can see it already

  9. Wow! This clean card is filled with fabulous details! I LOVE your use of Washi and paper piercing. Those are some yummy looking cookies, too :)

  10. I literally said,"Oh, wow!" when I saw this card. So very lovely in every detail.

  11. I just LOVE this. I cannot express how much I adore it other than to say I'm pinning it so I can admire it again later. The grungy washi tape strips, the awesome way you've stamped the sentiment - just genius.

  12. What a fun card LeAnne, I'm swooning over the birdcage Washi!! There goes little Miss Betty Crocker again, she did a GREAT job, they look yummy!!

  13. There is so much to look at in this fun card and it all works so beautifully together! Love the washi tape and the dots in the corner are the perfect touch.

  14. Oh, what a cool take on the sketch! I love that bird diecut layered over the washi strips!

  15. I love the graphic style of your card!! Thanks for joining us at Little Red Wagon this week.

  16. I love your details on a really pretty CAS card! I have never seen birdcage washi tape before! Very fun!

  17. Love your card, very cool and a bit retro too. Cookies look yummy :) Cx

  18. Those cookies look really special! I like your use of Washi Tape on this bird card! I've yet to try it myself, but I just ordered some from SU, so I won't be able to say that much longer....thanks for the inspiration, Leanne!

  19. Fabulous, LeAnne. I love the layers of washi tape, the repetition of the dots and the color scheme. All round - stunning

  20. Your card is PERFECT! I love every bit of each one of the details.I must remember that my embellishments do NOT have to match...these are perfect! Oh, wait, I already said that, didn't I? lol. My favorite is the HAPPY stamped vertically...such an inspiring card!! Thank you!

  21. LeAnne, I thought of you when this challenge came up! I know you love birds! The use of washi tape is fabulous! I never think of using it! Love the birdhouse tape and the bird silhouette is perfect! Wish I had one of those cookies! XX


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!