

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!



Merry Christmas to everyone!  This beautiful postcard is from Germany, and it translates to “Blessed Christmas”!  That is what I wish each and every one of you, as well as a happy, healthy and prosperous 2015!

I thought I would share a couple of pictures from my past; I am thinking this is probably 1956, at my maternal grandmother’s house; I think I was about two years old.  She was a remarkable woman, very crafty and a talented homemaker, although she was pretty strict.  I am sad that I didn’t get to know the crafty side of her until I was in my late teens and she passed away when I was 21.  I am sure we would have had lots of crafting fun!  Anyway, the first picture is not so great of ME (I have my eyes closed!), but I wanted you to look at the tree; my grandmother had my grandfather cut down an entire cherry tree and put it up in the “parlor” where she wrapped each & every branch with cotton, decorated it with ornaments,  then set up a whole winter scene beneath it.  I still have all those figurines, too!  This was in addition to the regular tree in the living room!  AND she made dozens and dozens of Christmas cookies and all sorts of other goodies!

LeAnne Christmas 1956

Thanks for indulging me a wee bit!  Merry Christmas!


  1. Le Ann - Loved the story about your granny. Both of you were artistic AND crafty. Grandmas always hold a very special place in our lives, as you do in Cassidy's

  2. Look at that crinoline dress! I remember those! What an undertaking to cover the cherry tree! Wow! Thanks for sharing these memories. Isn't it great that we can keep those memories from our childhood? Merry Christmas, LeAnne!

  3. Awww, what cute pictures from the past, and such great memories of your grandmother! I cannot imagine wrapping each branch of a cherry tree with cotton like she did! Then again, there were no distractions to keep them from doing such tedious tasks back then! TFS and merry Christmas to you and yours!

  4. What a great story, thanks for sharing with us LeAnne!! Hope your Christmas was merry and bright!

  5. Thanks for sharing - so CUTE - so vintage! Love your old pictures LeAnne.

  6. I just LOVE old photos! And what a woman your grandma was! I can't imagine wrapping all those branches. It is special that you now have all those figurines. What a keepsake to hand down to your own children. I hope you had a very blessed Christmas.

  7. What wonderful memories, you were a cute lil one, too!


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