

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

HSS201 and CC1215


Happy Wednesday, everyone!  I needed a little Christmas card for a secret sister, and when I saw the sketch at Hand Stamped Sentiments, as well as the Curtain Call challenge, I decided to pair them up!

I had some of this older SU paper on my desk from another project, so I just used some bits of it along with a couple of cute candy and gingerbread images from TPC’s Sweet Christmas:


I embossed the gingerbread man with white craft ink and white embossing powder, and the candy is colored with markers and embellished with a Jelly Roll pen….it’s really fun and sparkly in real life, it’s a shame you can’t see it here!


The sentiment is from Lil’Inkers, and I combined some red and silver baker’s twine along with a couple of embossing folders to finish it off!  It’s as sweet as my secret sister is….she is a real sweetheart!

Grampy (also know as Mr Gadget in our household) was getting frustrated as he watched Cassidy “open” our mail by ripping apart the envelopes, so (only as a man can do) he showed her how to use a butter knife as an letter opener:



Success!  Now I just have to watch that she doesn’t try to do this on her own!


Enjoy your day!


  1. Cute Card!
    Grandpa needs a letter opener. Butter knives are for butter. LOL From Grandma Gadget to Grandpa Gadget. They do call me the gadget queen. LOL

  2. What an adorable card. I love those candies and the little gingerbread guy is so cute.

  3. I love that sweet lil gingerbread guy! And why do men care so much about how mail is opened anyway? I have the same problem here, except it's me who gets in trouble for ripping the envelopes open! Hubby keeps trying to teach me too, but after 30 years one would think he's give up on me! haha

  4. Those peppermints and that little gingerbread man are so cute together! This is adorable LeAnne!

  5. Totally adorable card! Love it :) thanks for joining us at The Curtain Call.

  6. Great holiday card. The colors are perfect together. Leave it to a man to show another way to use a butter knife. Thanks for playing along with us this week at HSS.

  7. SO SO sweet! I love the gingerbread scene, and all the detail you put into it! You have made the sketch look downright amazing. And tell Cassidy that Mrs. Erika tears her envelopes to shreds, too! We busy girls don't have time for proper letter openers. Thanks for playing at HSS and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  8. This is such a sweet the panels and the texture. Yay for Mr. Gadget :)
    Thanks for playing with us at Curtain Call!

  9. Super cute card! I love how you embossed the gingerbread man. It looks like icing and so yummy! Thanks for playing at Hand Stamped Sentiments!

  10. This is such a fabulously crafted and detailed card. It is SWEET to say the least. I am totally loving it all. Many happy smiles and thanks for playing along with our sketch challenge at Hand Stamped Sentiments. Elizabeth

  11. Love this fun and festive card! The little candies are the perfect touch for this sweet card! Thanks for playing along with us at HSS!


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