

Friday, March 14, 2014

St Patrick’s Day Projects


Phew, happy Friday, everyone!  This week needs to be OVER!  I am looking forward to some warmer temps this weekend!  Since my sister already received her little St Pat’s gift, I can share it with you now:


This is another little altered Altoids tin, decorated with some vintage St Pat’s images I gathered from around blogland!  I have to admit that the inside of this one is not as well-done as I would have liked.  I need to color the edge of my cut images so they don’t show white; I really dislike that and I didn’t realize how bad it looked until I saw the photos.  Better next time!  Anyway, here is the inside:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings St Patricks Altered Altoids Box Vintage

I used some generic DP I had in my stash for the backgrounds, along with some green clover metallic decorations I had hanging around.  Since I had a dearth of St Patrick’s Day sentiments, I was wondering what to do….then I remembered I had a nice set on My Digital Studio, so I printed a few out and added them to the inside!  I had so much fun with them, I did a miniature collage and printed that out for the back of the tin:


I added some gold hearts and green rhinestones, just for fun, as well as overstamped it with the Linen background stamp (ret), just to give it some texture.  Then, I added a few more sentiments and enlarged it, printing it out on a standard piece of cardstock, and made a little collage poster to hang on my wall (well, it’s not hung, it’s actually tacked up with a couple of cheapie thumb tacks I had hanging around!!!):

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings St Patricks Day Collage My Digital Studio Stampin Up

DH actually commented on this….and he never notices ANYTHING like this!  I haven’t used MDS for a while, so it was fun to play around!  Thanks for visiting today!






  1. What a fun project LeAnne! love all the images layered inside and that fun collage of sentiments!

  2. First I have to giggle at what appears to be Cassidy's stern face turning into an ornery grin and then an "I'm gonna get you grammy" squeal!

    Okay now about today's projects...CUTE!! Love the vintage images on the little tin. And bravo to you for getting hubby to notice something!

  3. Oh so sweet - she couldn't keep that face could she. I love seeing the progression on her face.
    Your St Patrick's Day project are adorable.

  4. This is so cute! What a sweet little gift to receive! Happy St. Paddys Day!

  5. OH the many faces of a sweet little girl. LOL
    Love your St. Patty's day project.

  6. Love the little tin LeAnne - wish we had Altoids in the UK! And what can I say - great minds think alike ;-) xx

  7. What a great altered tin! It looks like you had a great time creating that project. I really like the look that linen texture stamp gives.


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