

Monday, March 17, 2014

Merry Monday 100


Happy Monday, peeps!  And Happy St Patrick’s day!!!  Today is a special Monday---the Merry Monday challenge is celebrating its 100th challenge!  Lesley has a sketch as well as a photo inspiration for us all today:

Wow, this will wake you up on a Monday morning, won’t it?!  I won’t lie, these colors are not the first one that come to mind when I create Christmas cards, but they are fun in a retro way, so I went searching in my stash to find something that would work!   I found some miscellaneous DP in a deep pink swirly design; I pulled out the last little piece of Green Galore cardstock I had, along with some Pink Passion, the matching inks, and a CTMH tree from a couple years back.  Here’s what I came up with:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings Merry Monday 100 Christmas Cards Stampin

I stamped all the birds in Pink Passion ink on scraps of white and cut them out and popped them up….didn’t take as long as I thought it would, and it gave the tree a nice little contrast:


Since the colors were so bold, my only embellishment was a little bit of baker’s twine added to my horizontal panel, and I made the banners simple so as not to detract from my pretty tree! 

Now, what will you create with this bold palette and fun sketch?  Can’t wait to see…share it with us at the Merry Monday challenge, and add another card to your Christmas card stash!

Painting AND stickers…the best of the crafty world!




  1. Wow, I love these gorgeous, bold colors! I wish SU had some colors this bright again. Beautiful card, LeAnne!

  2. Hi Leanne! It was so nice to hear from you today...I have been busy with my 90 yr old dad and trying to fit stamping into that schedule for the past year has been tough. Now I am also babysitting for my 8mos old granddaughter and I am sickened when I see the picture of yours at just how fast this time passes. How did SHE get so dang big. It has been a long time since I have stopped by your personal blog and I am so sorry, but this is exactly why I asked for addresses so I could take a quick hop on over. Love you and I am so very happy that you came over and took the time to send a hello I needed it! Hugs~Donna

  3. Gorgeous card, Lee Anne! The tiny pink birds are awesome!

  4. What a pretty tree and the little pink birds look so sweet on it! Wonderufl card LeAnne!

  5. Such a fun card and I love the layout.
    Such a serious artist . What a cutie.

  6. Lovely card, LeAnne. The tree is pretty with the popped up birdies on it! Love that you cute them all out. I think you aced the colours!!! Fun and fresh! Happy St. Patty's Day!

  7. I can understand about the colors but you certainly pulled it off. Adding the little birds was a perfect touch.

  8. Gorgeous card this week, LeAnne! Love those little pink birdies!! Have a super week!

  9. LOVE LOVE LOVE the lil birdies - your card is so adorable!!

    Deanne :)

  10. what a lovely tree, LeAnne! having a ball with you at Merry Monday!

  11. I just love your tree LeAnne. Your card is so pretty and the pink birdies are the perfect bit o' pop!

  12. Even though your card is divine, LeAnne, and so bright and pretty, Cassidy still steals the show!! Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Darnell

  13. I love your beautiful tree with the pink birds! So fun! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  14. Squeel! I love this tree with the pretty pink birds! What a fun Christmas card! It's not a color combo I'd normally use, but isn't it fun? Have a great week, LeAnne!

  15. Oh, Cassidy looks so proud of her creation - good for her.
    Well, you did do a good job with these difficult colours for a Christmas card. Cute little birds on this tree. Great job.

  16. LeAnne, this is just gorgeous! LOVE the cut out pink birds -- fabulous card!

  17. This is so pretty, LeAnne! Love the colors that you chose along with that pretty tree and cute birds! The added twine is perfect! Have a wonderful week! :)

  18. Pink Passion - now there's a blast from the past. It's such a beautiful pink and your card does it justice! Those birds are just too cute.

  19. Oh LeAnne your card is so pretty, I love your beautiful tree with all the little birds.

  20. This is such a gorgeous tree LeAnne, I love the wee pink birds. A wonderful take on the challenge.
    Have a great week.

  21. I haven't visited in way too long! I'm just swinging by to check out your Merry Monday make right now. Love that ornate tree. I remember it and remember thinking, "What would one do with that?!" Now I know! I love the wee birds popped up in the tree. Great card!

  22. LeAnne, you did a great job working with these colors and the sketch...LOVE this card!

  23. Love the pink birds--such a fun, festive card!

  24. I love your bright and bold card, LeAnne! Your bird embellished tree is awesome!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!