

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

DD73 & Halloween Candy Holder Tutorial

I promised I would share with you the directions for the little Ghiradelli candy holders from this post on Sunday!  But first, let me share my Dynamic Duos card that I am barely squeaking in for this week!  Here’s the color challenge:

And here’s my card:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings Dynamic Duo 73 Zoo Babies

LOL, I know this looks like a baby congrats card, but it’s actually a card I made for the top sellers in my downline!!!  I really wanted to use this color combo, as it is not one I would have chosen myself, and I really wanted to use that Zoo Babies set… hopefully they’ll get a chuckle from it as well as being congratulated on a job well done!  It’s really simple, as I have to mass-produce them, but hopefully there are enough elements to still make it interesting!

Now, on to the the Ghiradelli candy holders; here they are:

LeAnne Pugliese WeeInklings Paper Players 166 Candy Holder Trio Spooky Bingo Bits

And here are the directions….these are very basic but easy!







A couple of tips I will share….when you trim the diagonal edges to tuck inside, use the opening from the Word Window punch to give you an idea of how much to trim off…..that way it will fit inside the punched opening easily!  Also, make sure you use some good adhesive….Sticky Strip or Tombow Multipurpose glue, so your candy won’t fall out.   Now you can decorate your Ghiradelli candy holder in any way you like!  Have fun!

I told you before that Cassidy was giving me a hard time when I wanted to take her picture….here she is, helping me by emptying the silverware bin from the dishwasher, but she did NOT want that camera in her face!!!


Hopefully when she comes back today, she will be in a more photogenic mood!  Enjoy your day!


  1. Thanks, LeAnne for the step by step on the candy holders! I am so visual and your instructions are perfect!
    Your daughter is adorable and such a great helper!

  2. LOL not diva wants a picture of her self when she is being domestic. LOL
    I love that you made a card with just what you want to use. That make it fun.
    Thanks for the tutorial. I love those little Ghiradelli candies. Yumm! The holders are wonderful. TFS

  3. Great tutorial LeAnne, she still is as cute as a button. Sounds like a phase. Thank you so much for joiningus this week at Dynamic Duos!

  4. Oh yes, let's hope Cassidy changes her mind about the pictures. I love to see her sweet little face. It's fun to see her helping you.
    These treat holders are great - thanks for the tutorial.
    Your dynamic duos card is adorable and I know they will love receiving theirs. I love the texture you've added with the embossing folders.

  5. Such cuteness in your post! :) LOVE the tutorial and I appreciate you sharing that!!

  6. Thanks for the tutorial, LeAnne! I love that you did it so I can print it out and use it. The video tutorials are nice but my computer in the craft room is soooo ssllooww! This will make a "sweet" little gift!

  7. Such a cute card LeAnne and your granddaughter still looks great even though she won't look at the camera! Love your treat holder! Thanks for playing Dynamic Duos with us this week!

  8. Thx so much for spending the extra time to add the tutorial for the super cute choco pouch! Love it.

  9. LeAnn thanks so much for the directions to these cute cute cute candy holders.
    I shouldn't need directions ... but I DO! So thanks so much for the visual aids as well. Ssssooo helpful.
    That little helper is getting so big! Seems like yesterday she was in a bundting! hugs.


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