

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Material Girl & LRW192


Just a couple of fun cards today!  The first one uses an advertisement from a Workbasket magazine as my background paper, and I thought it looked good with a couple of sewing-themed images:


I added faux buttons, and stamped the pins, stitching and buttonholes; the sentiment is on a Modern Label image too!  And look how fun the inside is:


The second one is a CAS birthday card using a cute image  from Storybook Friends that I loosely watercolored:


I have cut all the sentiments apart from these images, so I was able to use a sentiment from a new set called A Dozen Thoughts.  This works for the Little Red Wagon challenge 192, which is CAS!  If you have any questions about any of my projects, shoot me an email!

We have had some issues with groundhogs again this year.  There is a huge cavern dug in my flower bed next to the front porch stoop….HUGE.  We had set a trap which Mr. Groundhog ignored for a couple of days, but surprisingly, we went to check it yesterday afternoon and found this:


Cassidy was actually quite interested, and we had to tell her to stay away.  She kept saying “Poor thing….”!!!!!



Ah, the joys of living in the country!   Thanks for visiting today!  And be sure to come back tomorrow for a new Paper Players challenge!


  1. Love both your cards,especially the sewing theme and I love your background paper. The inside is super fun too!
    Oh my goodness, too bad about your garden. A couple of summers ago, our close neighbours had a similar problem, but the culprit was a family of skunks!!! Not so fun! At the same time, we had a problem with chipmunks digging under our newly finished interlocking brick work. We set out a live trap as you did, but instead of catching the chipmunk, we managed to catch a baby skunk! Let's just say it was a stinky situation!

  2. Love both cards, LeAnne, but I must agree with Bananastamper, the sewing card is just darling from the vintage images to the play on words in the sentiment!
    Good for caught the culprit! Hopefully he won't come back to wreck havoc in your garden again! LOL!
    Living in the country provides so many learning experiences for Cassidy...she's adorable!

  3. Neat cards, LeAnne! And wow, you caught a groundhog! Where did you release him? Any neighbors you are not fond of? ;)

  4. I love your card vintage, so well done...

  5. That is one BIG ground hog!!! Glad you caught him! Lovely cards too.

  6. Love your cards especially the sewing one. ... We live in town and have a really bad groundhog problem. Earlier this spring, my husband saw the mom with FIVE babies! We have a live trap the size that you have and have NEVER been able to catch those pesky critters! My husband has resorted to a more lethal removal procedure. So far, we've only got two -- one was a female!!!

  7. Your cards are fabulous! Thank you for joining us at Little Red Wagon :)
    Joanne xo

  8. Wow that groundhog is large. It's a good thing Cassidy didn't get too close. I hope your garden will recover.
    I love your "sewing card". Adorable background and the extra images you stamped are perfect here - they look like they were simply part of the original piece.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!