

Monday, June 24, 2013

Merry Monday 68


Happy Monday, everyone!  We made it through the weekend and back to Lesley’s Merry Monday challenge!  Here’s the sketch for today:

With that big open panel, I decided to let some of these fun Cosmo Cricket papers do all the work:


I mounted the panel on a Crumb Cake card base and cut my banners from little scraps of the same paper pad.  Since I cut off the base of the little Christmas tree in the center, it looked a wee bit off-balanced, so I added a glimmer paper star….perfect!  An embroidery floss bow was my final embellishment.


And lest you think I did NO stamping….here’s the inside, stamped in Baked Brown Sugar, a perfect color for this card!


Why don’t you play along with us?  It’s a great feeling to be working on your Christmas cards early…..another one to add to my own stack!  Check out what the other stampers did at Lesley’s blog, Always Playing with Paper!  You’ll find lots of holiday inspiration!


Cassidy wanted to take a picture of herself!!!


  1. Love your card and the papers are wonderful!

  2. What a great use of the PP. Love the glittery star.

  3. This is just so cute, LeAnne! Love that paper and it works perfectly with the sketch! The shiny star is the perfect finishing touch too!

  4. What great paper and I LOVE that glimmer star! I think you have a budding photographer there!

  5. What a fun Christmas card, LeAnne! Love that the paper does all the speaking! Super cute! :)

  6. Oh really sweet card. Love that paper.
    I can see a little bit of Grandma in that picture. Really a sweet picture of Cassidy. TFS

  7. You are such a creative card maker LeAnne - this card is totally fabulous! (as is Cassidy's selfie!)

  8. Love how you used the paper to create your card LeAnne!

  9. Love the cute quirky paper you used to feature on this card LeAnne. The banners and the star were the perfect way to finish off the tree too :)


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!