

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

ColourQ 192 Celebration


Happy Tuesday, peeps!  Arielle has a fabulous color inspiration for us all today:

I went a little crazy with some punches and embossing folders:


I lined them up, glued them down and added a little row of dots and a sentiment!  Here’s a closeup of some of the 1” embossed squares:


I think this is a wonderful graphic inspiration, so I hope you’ll play along too!  These colors could be used for masculine or feminine themes….so use your imagination and share it with us!  You can see all the other fabulous creations at the ColourQ blog! And if you have any questions about anything, please be sure to send me an email!

Yesterday, while chatting with one of my customers, a mama skunk and four little babies meandered across my yard, in broad daylight!  By the time I ran back in the house to get my camera, they had made it to the trash cans behind our shed:


Then she herded them back out into the yard:


She pushed them with her nose and her tail while they bobbled all around her:


And finally they all went into the field:


We were dumbfounded!  I have seen skunks in our yard at dusk and evening, but NEVER in broad daylight.  They were probably five feet behind my friend!!!  Never a dull moment, living in the country!


  1. Another beautiful full of lovely texture and color combo. And the skunks are fascinating. How sweet to see Mama and her young. I love watching nature in its this case a safe distance. :) Thanks for sharing Mrs. Skunk and her babies.

  2. LeAnne, what a great idea to make a sampler of all the different embossing folders. I love it. And those skunks: yikes! They are very cute but you are very brave, my friend!

  3. LURVE! I've done this style of card with print paper but not embossed CS and it's a great look- one I'll definitely be snagging from you. Great pix of the skunks too. Unusual time to see them out and about... field trip day? :)

  4. This card is simply stunning. I can't wait to case it!!

  5. As always I love your card but it was the skunk that pulled me in this week. They're cute but not as cute as your grand-daughter.

  6. Wow those skunks didn't seem to care what was going on around them did they? They would have had me running for cover.
    This is a pretty combo for Colour Q this week and I love the way you showcased it. Such a beautiful quilt you created. Beautiful mix of embossing folders.

  7. Fabulous colour blocking!! Love the card. How crazy to have skunks in your yard! Good thing mama wasn't feeling threatened or you would have a whole other issue on your hands LOL!

  8. I LIKE this idea for a card LeAnne, great design! Oooooh the little stinkers are so cute. Good thing mama was busy or it could have been a big P...U!!!!!

  9. you know i love this card!! those skunks are so cute!!

  10. Oh my goodness! I had that happen once. Maybe the babies woke and she wanted to get them sleepy. LOL I had a family of raccoons once too. Those are the fun parts of living in the country. Did Cassidy get to seem them?
    Love your card. That must have kept you very busy. It really looks great!

  11. I love your card LeeAnn!!! It is a real WOW and a great way to use the colors. I love seeing nature, but would be a little nervous about a skunk. That's a nasty strong smell. Thanks for sharing your pics!! :>)

  12. Leanne your card is fantastic, I love all the embossed details. Now your yard guests, not so much, but there are cute. We had one living in our car port when we lived out of town years ago. It would just walk right past us and look at us like 'hi neighbour'.

  13. Wow! That's pretty awesome! I have NEVER seen a baby skunk...let alone 4.

  14. Love your card, all those little embossed windows!!

    I know skunks are bothersome but they are so darn cute in your pictures. I hope no one gets sprayed! :)

  15. I had to stop by and tell you how much I loved your embossed card! Beautiful design! The skunk pictures were a bonus :) bet that was fun!

  16. OK... the card is stunning.. but seriously.. I got so caught up with your skunks! How awesome was that. they are adorable and I can't believe what a good mamma she is. We haven't seen any of those around here!

  17. Love your textures!! It looks great!
    How cool is that, to see baby skunks in the wild?!! way cool!

  18. Love this idea. So simple and such a good way to use all those embossing folders.


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