

Tuesday, May 28, 2013



Happy Tuesday, peeps!  Feels like Monday, or Sunday or some other day, to me!  Having a Monday holiday is fun but it sure messes up your internal clock!  Anyhoo, it’s time for the ColourQ challenge, and here is the fun inspiration Arielle has come up with for this week:

What a fun purse!  I had a bunch of ideas spinning around in my head!  In fact…see that turquoise typewriter on the front?  I HAVE ONE OF THOSE!!!  In fact, my sister Gail just sold one at her store, Charleston Fynd!!!  I was going to let her sell mine too but she encouraged me to find a ribbon for it and keep it….she said every kid that came into her store made a beeline for the typewriter!!!  Vintage is in!  So I went sort of literal for my “vintage” card too:


Oh, I had fun making this card although it took an inordinate amount of time!  I played with old images, new “old” images, new papers, dry embossing, heat embossing, and best of all….I was able to download a free “typewriter” font to make my typewriter key-style letters in MDS!  Woohoo!  I was excited that I could print them on a Real Red background in white, and then just punch out the letters!  And since the purse had so many random patterns, I used my own Paper Players sketch from this week’s challenge!!!


Anyone remember what that little doodad is?  Sure ya do!  (If you don’t, email me and I’ll tell you!)  I was also able to use a little diecut I’ve been saving from my friend Linda, on which I embossed a retired SU sentiment:


The birthday sentiments inside and out are also computer-generated!!!  I am saving this for one of my “vintage” friends!


Now…..what inspires you in this photo?  I hope you will play along with us over at the ColourQ blog and be sure to check out what the other designers made with these bold colors and retro graphics!  Can’t wait to see it!  And if you have any questions about anything I used here, please send me an email!  Don’t leave your question in the comment box because I can’t always answer it there!

Dana & friends went to the train musem near the Strasburg Railroad this weekend…..Cassidy did NOT want to smile for the camera!

Cassidy at the train 3

Cracks me up!

Blog Button 20-002


  1. LeAnne...seriously.... I adore this put so many different elements, colours, etc on your creations and it always comes together for you! I run from this, but you nail it every time! If you have minute to place some of your creative juices in a bottle for me and send it up my way, I'd sure appreciate it...and Cassidy...I get it only to well ~ I feel that way when I'm looking for my Mojo! *hugs*

  2. Oh, gosh...I am the first to post! This has got to be one of my top loved cards EVER, LeAnne. I can't even put into words how awesome it is. The time it took to make was worth it- the details, the color, the vintage feel- just amazing!

  3. Wow! This is one cool card! I love all of the little details and colors! I DO know what that doodad is because my Mom had one that went with her old Royal cast iron typewriter! I learned to type on it and actually typed some school papers on it!

  4. so awesome!! totally matches that all of the die cut letter details...and cassidy's face....too much:)!

  5. Okay...1st your card is out of this world LeAnne, love every well placed and thought out detail!!! But holy cow could this picture of little miss Cassidy be any more fun!!!

  6. I could look at this card all day. It's just my type of card. I love all the little details, and only imagine the fun you had making it.
    Update for you. I was not at our WI getaway for 5 min on Friday before I saw the Baltimore Oriole come to our hummingbird feeder. My friend had 4 orioles fighting on her oriol feeder, and knocked it down and broke it, so they went right to town to buy a new one. I had the bird book out all weekend as I sat on my screen porch and worked on designing scrapbook pages for my convention swap. I also saw an Indigo Bunting at our bird feeder, which I had never seen before. We had a big bear that came through the campgrounds early Saturday morning. He left a deposit below Debby's oriole and hummingbird feeders. They will be taking those in at night. We keep our birdfeeders high in the trees on pulleys to keep them out of bear's reach. I live to see a bear!

  7. Wow LeAnne you put some serious thought into this card! I love how you mixed up vintage with the modern typeset. What a way to use these colors!

  8. I love everything about this card! The colors and all of the amazing stuff going on! It definitely looks like it took a lot of time but it's so worth it! Awesomeness!!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!