

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Poppin’ Pastels Bunnies


Ah, it’s Saturday!  Hope you have something fun planned for today!  I had a lovely evening stamping with one of my stamp clubs last night!  I’ll share those projects later next week!  Today, I have a card made (again) with the Ears to You stamp set, this time stamped in Versamark and colored with pastels and a cotton puff:


I swiped one of our cute little doilies across my Vanilla craft pad and dried it with my heat tool to cut down on the whiteness; I added some flowers from the Flower Trim line and finished it off with a bow of Vanilla seam binding. 


This is just so soft and sweet, I love this effect! 

Gervais joined my Friday night club for the first time last night, never having stamped EVER!  What a sweetie she is! And let me tell you, this girl took to stamping like a fish to water:


She loved it and I know she can’t wait til our next time together!

Licking the beater!



Thanks for visiting today!


  1. Adorable bunny card!! What did you bake?

  2. Love your card and that bunny stamp set.

  3. I'm coming to your house...........stamping, sweet bunnies and baked goodies.......sounds like my idea of a good time!

  4. Sweet sweet card and let Cassidy know I still like the beaters!!

  5. Love the bunnies better on paper than then ones eating my crocuses before they get a chance to bloom - argh! Love seeing someone enjoy card making for the first time, and as for the beaters, save me one LOL!

  6. How pretty! I love this card -- so simple but with beautiful details. I hadn't thought about swiping those doilies with the Vanilla ink pad -- genius!


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