

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Paper Players 128


Happy Sunday, everyone!  I am looking forward to celebrating today with all my hostesses!  So this will be QUICK!  It’s Anne Marie’s turn to be the hostess at the Paper Players, and she has chosen this contemporary color combo for us:

I thought that little whale in the new set Oh, Whale! would be perfect for these colors:


The background paper is from the new DP, Sunshine and Sprinkles; sentiment is from Word Play; the sketch is from Sketch Frenzy Friday:

I couldn’t help giving my little whale a couple of little eyelashes too:


Hope you can play along with us!  Wiggle on over to the Paper Players blog to see what the other designers came up with using these fun colors!  We can’t wait to see what you create!


Fisher Price Nativity meets colors and shapes:




Enjoy your day!


  1. Love those colors combos. Yellow and gray are one of my favorites, but never thought of adding blue to the mix. Cute whale too.

  2. I do love your colours LeAnne, such a fun cheery card!
    Love the concentration of Cassidy's puzzle face...:0)

  3. So cute! Love the layout and the fun, bright colours!

  4. Love this - those two sets work perfectly. And I love how you added eyelashes to the whale! Your granddaughter is growing up - she's still a cutie!

  5. Adorabel card LeAnne! Love the whale set very cute and did you use the die too. Very pretty colors you used.
    Fisher Price may be getting some ides from little miss Cassidy. So sweet and what an imaginations.

  6. Very sweet card. I notice that Cassidy is really getting into creative play, you must love seeing her as she develops.

  7. Love the sweet little whale. Such a cute stamp set.
    Love to see that GD got her nativity set. My GD's got the farm for Xmas, both LOVE it.

  8. This is darling, LeAnne! Love the mix of patterns and the sentiment fits so perfectly with the whale image. Awesome job rocking my colors this week. You always inspire me so much with your projects! Hugs! :)

  9. I don't know how you do it--but you manage to make beautiful cards each and every day!! Love this one!!!

  10. You are right, LeAnne this combo is perfect for the whale. Love how you added eyelashes...too cute! Perfect use of the sketch and I LOVE Cassidy's haircut! ((hugs))

  11. Cute, cute, cute Leanne! I didn't purchase this stamp set but you have me thinking about it now. Great use of the challenge colors, too.

  12. I love these bright colors and they're perfect for this whale!

  13. Love this card!! The whale is just so super cute! And I love the eye detail! How clever!! Thanks for joining us at Sketch Frenzy Friday!

  14. Hi LeAnne, Your card is too cute!
    I like that you combined the two challenges (Color and our Sketch) to create this "Whale" of a card. It really is adorable! Thanks for joining us over at SFF and would love to see what you come up with next week too!

  15. LeAnne, I love this layout and you are right - the whale set was perfect for this challenge. Fabulous job! On another note... I cannot believe how quickly Cassidy is growing!

  16. What an adorable card, LeAnne! The whale's eye is too cute. This was the perfect layout for this set!

  17. I LOVE this card! What a perfect combination of designer papers and colors. And that whale's eye -- too cute!

  18. Awesome card! Love that whale and the combination of elements and colors you chose are perfect!! Thanks for joining us at Sketch Frenzy Friday!!

  19. I am always amazed at how creative and beautiful your cards are. Thank you so much for playing along with us @ SFF. I always love your work!

  20. Your card is super cute! That sentiment is perfect for the whale image. Thanks for playing with us this week at SFF.


  21. I love the little whale! What a cute card LeAnne! It's almost as cute as Cassidy! :-)

  22. Love the card and love the colors! Thanks for using our sketch. Please join us again at Sketch Frenzy Friday!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!