

Thursday, November 8, 2012



Today’s card is for the Paper Craft Crew Challenge #15, and here’s the sketch:

I did not get Twitterpated last year, so I did a DP share this year, but this is the first time I’ve used it!  I also haven’t used the Heart Framelits too often, so when I saw the sketch, I thought I could put that to good use too!  Here is my birthday card using Easy Events:


I stamped the image on Shimmery White cardstock and used an aquapainter to color the icing and cake stand, then did some paper piecing for the cupcake:


I added a glimmer heart “cherry” and clear button trim….and it’s done!  Can’t wait to send it out!

Cassidy is getting a lot of playtime with her farm animals…..this time she is giving them a diaper change!!!

First we lay them out on the waterproof mat:


Get the diaper:


Lay it on top of the animals…….


Wait a minute….that doesn’t seem right.  Let’s put the animals ON the diaper:


Well, maybe we’ll use them like bookends!!!


Thanks for visiting today!


  1. Beautiful, bright and fun! It's just the kind of card I needed to see! Thanks LeAnne! Have a great day! :-)

  2. too funny! Love the photos of Cassidy. I love seeing things through the eyes of a child.

    Great card LeAnne. Lots of sparkle.

  3. okay first of all...Cassidy, you're a hoot!!! And then your card, LeAnne, I love it, which then begs the question to me "why do I hoard my DP" ~ what a fabulous card, time to start playing again! Enjoy your weekend, it's almost upon us :-) *hugs*

  4. I thought she turned it into a slide at the end. LOL What a sweetheart!
    Very pretty card. Love the banners coming out of the heart. Great idea.

  5. Cute card LeAnne! And those pix of Cassidy are a riot- one way or another they'll make it work. :)

  6. I don't know where to start today....I love this card LeAnne. These papers are gorgeous and you know I love hearts so a pink embossed one AND a red sparkly one, well, that just makes it;) This is just one beautiful card!
    Then add the treat of watching Cassidy in action with her animals and your running commentary as she tried to work out this little problem....priceless.
    Enjoy your day

  7. Really cute card and fantastic colours LeAnne they match Cassidy's outfit.

  8. LeAnne, I love this card! I didn't like that paper when I first saw it - now I have to order some! And of course i love how Cassidy plays like we did in the olden days! I had a new goddaughter over and opened the cupboard to our pots and pans thinking she'd be busy for about an hour. Instead, she carefully closed the cupboard (her mom's a little OCD) and picked up her plastic cell phone that says, "Hello [insert kid's name here]"!!!! Blech! I was so dismayed! But later we were away from home at a cabin and there were no books, mom and the other adults were busy so I suggested she and I read; we could only find a "Cooking Light" magazine, but I started with the cover and we made up a story from the photographs in the magazine and before long she was helping me with the story! All is not lost for that generation! :)

  9. I love this Twitterpated paper and the icing on the cupcake looks so sugary!

  10. LeAnne, I just love how bright and cheerful your card is and how you made the sketch "pop." Now, for little Cassidy - SHE IS A TOTAL SWEETHEART! Love all the photos of her playing. Thanks for playing along with the Paper Craft Crew and we look forward to having you play along again.


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