

Saturday, November 24, 2012

FMS62 and Some Goodies


Happy Saturday peeps!  Oh my, I have just been having so much fun lately in my stamp room….just stamping for FUN, playing with new and old stuff, doing new techniques….I have been a happy camper, I mean stamper!  My first card to show  you today is for the Freshly Made Sketches sketch by Jen M:

I just love this sketch because you get to play with lots of papers….look at those layers!  I don’t know about you, but when I get some new stamps, I like to “play” with them first, just to try them out, and sometimes, if I am lucky, my “play” attempt turns out fairly well!  That’s what happened this time; I stamped this image on a scrap of BG paper, pulled out my Copics and just fooled around.  When I saw the sketch, I thought it would be fun to use the image, so I searched my stash for some papers and these are what I found:

That gorgeous snowflake background paper was a gift from my friend Martha, and the other papers are from MME’s Nostalgia collection.  I finally had a chance to make a faux bow using Connie Collins’ tutorial here.  WHAT FUN!  So quick & easy and cute as a button! 


I think the next time I will try sponging the edges of the bow a bit….other than that, I love it!  I added some glittery snow to my vintage Mr Snowman, and he’s done:


I also had a chance to make one of those amazing ornaments on the front cover of the Holiday Mini (sorry my background is not so good!):


I used Cherry Cobbler and Crumb Cake for my colors….and the tulle was a bit challenging, so if my friend doesn’t mind me keeping her bundle a bit longer, I may try to do another one!  And finally, my sweet SIL Louise arrived at my door a couple of days ago with this in hand, hand-crafted by her from pinecones she gathered on our property, which used to be my dad’s farm:


She had me in tears, this was so pretty…..just like something from a magazine, and she thought enough of me to give me one!  I was over-the-moon happy!!!

Remember, if you have any questions about anything shown here, just email me (my email address is at the top right sidebar).  I have had a couple of anonymous questions come through the comment screen lately, and I want to answer them, but I just can’t without email information!  Have a wonderful weekend, and be sure to stop back tomorrow for my Paper Players challenge!





  1. Love your ornament and that beautiful wreath!!

  2. So lovely, LeAnne. Great, different colors for a holiday card plus the image and paper are so sweet.

  3. I'm with Kara - that ornament came out great, but that wreath is simply gorgeous!!

  4. OH you have been having fun. I made one of those ornament but I used TH dies and RB stamps and I gave it to them and didn't take a picture. Oh good reason to make another one. LOL Your card is adorable. Love the paper and the image. So sweet!
    The pictures of Cassidy are so cute. Looks like fun.
    Oh and that wreath is AMAZING! So very pretty. I would have had tears too.
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  5. Wow what a beautiful holiday post - great way to start off the Christmas season around here! I am one of "those people" who try very hard not even to discuss Christmas until Thanksgiving is over - so now I am ready to begin the festivities!

  6. Wow! This is what happens when you're just playing around with your new stamps? If only I could be so lucky!

    The funny thing about your ornament is that I find myself with some extra time today and I was going to try my hand at that. I don't have the tulle ribbon so I'll have to think of something else, but I'm anxious to give it a try! And finally, the pinecone wreath is absolutely gorgeous and how lucky that all the pinecones for it came from home!

  7. I wish I could play like you. Your card is gorgeous and that image is amazing and glittered--oh my. Fabulous post.

  8. Beautiful cards today, fabulous fall pictures of Miss Cassidy, but that wreath would have made me cry too! It's absolutely stunning with those berries and old-time jingle bells!!!

  9. I LOVE stamping just for fun; it really is the best. :) Lovely your paper bow; I guess that's next for me to try. lol

    That wreath is STUNNING! I would be crying too; what a gorgeous gift!

  10. Looks like Cassidy was having a blast. :) Great projects- love your ornament. I'm working on 7 of them right now but I didn't try combining those shapes- may have to crank out another. :)

  11. Love the image, the beautiful paper bow and the ornament! I also love to watch the kids play in the leaves. We did a lot of that during the holiday!

  12. What an amazing card!! And another bow tutorial..yippee!! That wreath is truly a spectacular gift...gorgeous!! So much holiday goodness in one post! Love it! Glad to see you this week!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!