

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


FMS55 - LeAnne - 2

It’s a WOW Wednesday for me today, because this starts my first week as Guest Designer for the Freshly Made Sketches challenge!  This card was chosen for their anniversary challenge, so here I am with the first sketch of October! 

And here’s my card:

FMS55 - LeAnne

I hadn’t used this “chirp chirp tweet” image from Animal Talk, so I thought this was a perfect time to use it!  I used markers to color the image and used the fun Birds of a Feather DP for my backgrounds.  I loved the ribbon treatment that was on the swap card from my friend Carol, so I used it here as well!  Here is her swap:


I sure hope you’ll be able to play along with this fun sketch!  The elements shown will lend themselves to lots of fun ideas!  Be sure to check out what the other designers at Freshly Made Sketches did this week, including my guest designer teammate, Narelle

Meandering about the yard with Lambie:





  1. I love what you did with the sketch and I might have to also steal that ribbon treatment idea.

  2. Oh LeAnne, I love love your card and congrats to you as GD now. I don't have that stamp set but it sure is cute. Look Cassie found a leaf. Cute cute cute.

    Hugs, Bev

  3. Very cute bird card and your frame is stunning!

  4. This card is extra special cute!! (almost as cute as Cassidy!) Looking forward to seeing your guest designer work at FMS this month.

  5. That is such a creative use of that stamp set!

  6. Tweet card! Love the little birds. And Lambie is adorable. He looks well loved.

  7. Congrats on your GD gig LeAnne! I don't know this stamp set yet but it's very cute. Love the birds just hanging around on the wire too - kind of like Cassidy hanging around in your spacious backyard! Cheers Narelle

  8. Oh I like your card, the colours and those birdies, so cute.

  9. Such a clever card! I love the birds on the dsp; they work great with that little guy on the stamp.

  10. Well, hey there GD! Love the birds on a wire and the cool ribbon treatment. You're the queen of ribbon in my book!

  11. Hi LeAnne! What a beautiful card! Love your take on the sketch! So glad you are joining us this month! Have a great week!

  12. Awesome card! Love the colors and the tweet stamped images. Such pretty photos of Little Miss C, too. Ypu can tell she loves her lambie! :)

  13. I love that.....meandering about the yard...what a sweetie Cassidy is.
    Beautiful card. I love the way you've placed your pearls and your fun ribbon treatment. These papers are really pretty. Cute bird images and sentiments.

  14. I love how you used the Birds of a Feather dsp for your card. Lovely!

  15. LeAnne! It's beautiful! I love that stamped image! Love that DSP! Pearls and Ribbon too!!! All my favourites on one card! So glad you're joining us this month at FMS!

  16. Way to put the paper to work! I love these birds...and the glorious ribbon treatment! Awesome!

  17. What a fabulous card LeAnne ... how perfect is that fun DSP and the sweet lil stamp set ... love your detailing and love the ribbon pleats!
    So lovely to have you back on board again with us ... it is always a pleasure!

  18. So glad you're with us this month, LeAnne. Your card is absolutely fantastic! I love the ribbon treatment... so cool! Great colors, papers and details, too!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!