

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Happy Tuesday, peeps!  One final Halloween-themed ColourQ challenge from Arielle:
I wish I had a whole lot more time in my day….I’d love to make some pillows or a banner like this!  I was a bit saturated with Halloween, though, so I went in a different direction with my card:
I have noticed that my CQC cards lately have been very similar….I need to think a bit outside the box, I guess!  I’ll try to work on that!  For today’s card, I used this sketch from Less is More, even though it’s not really as clean & simple as they like, I still liked the sketch itself:
I used the hexagon set from PTI, cutting down the template to be narrower and using three of the four challenge colors for the hexagons:
I added a button, ribbon and a skinny pinked border---done!  Hope you can play along!  Be sure to check out all the fabulousness from the other designers at the ColourQ blog….they never cease to amaze me!

We did make it through the hurricane unscathed for the most part....never even lost our power, but we do have two leaky spots in our ceilings from water blowing in behind the dormers, so that will have to be repaired, but the Lord really watched over us!  Thank you for your prayers and kind comments!  They mean the world to us!



  1. I absolutely love this card. The hexagon colors are fantastic and so vibrant. they just catch my eye. So glad you are ok from the huricane. My family is all from NJ. So far...all are ok too. God bless.

  2. Great simple card! So happy to hear that you are all ok!

  3. So good to hear all is okay with you & your family there; 'Sandy' is certainly wrecking havoc in other places, though, isn't it? I LOVE your card and appreciate the inspiration with your hexagons as I, too, ordered those darling hexagons a few months ago but have not used them to their potential [but they were too cool to pass up!]. Stay safe!

  4. LeAnne aren't those hexagons fun? Love your card using them and I love how you created a skinnier frame. Cute leopard!

  5. So glad to hear you are safe and sound! LOVE the card! Great use of the hexagons with the colours and sketch!

  6. Simply adorable card ! So glad you and your family are safe!

  7. Gorgeous card, LeAnne! I love the graduated colors and the hexagons are perfect!

    So glad you survived Sandy without a power outage. Hope the fix for the leaky dormers is a smooth one. We survived as well - lost power last night, but our generator kicked on so we are functional. Looking forward to getting back on the grid though (hopefully tonight according to the utility company).

  8. This is beautiful LeAnne, I can't quite see the three sub-divisions within the band, but it's a fab design.
    I was so pleased to read that the storm didn't affect you too adversely! Stay safe!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  9. I love these hexagons and the colors you've used, LeAnne! Glad you made it through the storm without any major problems!

  10. Oh so glad you are safe. My sister was too. They lost one tree and had water in there basement but felt very lucky.
    Wonderful card! I love the hexagons very cool!
    And an adorable "say cheese" pictures.

  11. I think this is pretty terrific LeAnne! Way to think outside the box and create a fun take on that sketch!

  12. Lovely card, LeAnne, love those hexagons! Best of choice however is....Cassidy! Love that grin! Can't wait to see her in Halloween costume.

  13. Hi LeAnne! SO happy to hear your family is okay with Sandy so massive and destructive. Your card is wonderful! I'd love to have a quilt like this card!!! Hexagons are just so fresh and fun. Love your inspiration!

  14. Fantastic card! I love how you used the colours with the hexagons and cute button detail.

  15. So happy you are ok and safe. What a horrific storm, I cannot believe the mess in NY! Wow! Your card is wonderful LeAnne, love the hexagons, how fun and so hip!! Your work is always beautiful.

  16. First I need to say how thankful I am that you are all safe after the hurricane. God is good.
    Thanks for the cheery face of Cassidy to brighten my day:)
    I really like all the black accents on your card and the gradient colours of your hexagon design are wonderful.
    Have a blessed day.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!