

Monday, September 17, 2012

Merry Monday 33


Hi stampin’ friends!  Monday, Monday---that means Merry Monday is here again!  How about this sketch for you today:

I don’t know about anyone else, but September has me running ragged, so I am finding ways to stamp faster!  I do want to apologize to all my blogging friends….I am having a hard time visiting everyone and leaving comments like I normally do.  Hopefully October will be a bit less busy….September is just crazy!  Anyway, this card uses some beautiful Melissa Frances Christmas paper and a single arched reindeer image, stamped right on the DP in Old Olive:

Merry Monday 33-LeAnne

I did dress him up a big, adding some glitter to his antlers:


And of course, the beautiful Champagne glimmer paper adds some glitz and glamour as well!  I hope you’ll find this sketch an inspiration to you to get a head-start on some Christmas cards!  Fly over to the Always Playing with Paper blog to see the other gorgeous samples the design team has created for your viewing pleasure this week!  And as always, if you have any questions, just shoot me an email!

A quiet moment at play:



  1. Pretty card LeAnne. Love dsp with designs that just need a little to finish the card. And glimmer always helps.

  2. Oh I love what you did with this weeks sketch LeAnne. All that beautiful glitter.

  3. Sweet and quick..wonderful card LeAnne ~ I think it's fabulous when we create a beautiful card in 30 minutes or so...and I beat myself up when I do???? what's up with that! Cassidy, you're addable and such a teachable moment for us big people, let's sit and play a little more....I hope you have a wonderful day LeAnne! May your day be sprinkled with peace my dear *hugs*

  4. Oh what a beautiful card! Love that glitter paper!

  5. Fantastic idea to use paper this way! Yes, I understand about the run ragged thing too!!! No worries my friend!

  6. Beautiful card, LeAnne! Love the paper and your glittery reindeer! That glitter paper is so pretty! Easy peasy with a touch of bling! :)

  7. Wonderful sparkle, especially on the antlers!

  8. Gorgeous card, I love the glitter it makes me start thinking about Christmas!

  9. Simple and beautiful. I think those are the best kinds of cards!



  10. WOW!! So gorgeous LeAnne!! I love the sparkle on this and your gorgeous image!! :)

  11. Hi LeAnne. I wish I had time to comment on all your beautiful cards (and all Cassidy's antics). I love them all and appreciate all the inspiration. How I love that reindeer! Grace in motion!

  12. I like the glittered antlers with the champagne glitter paper. Pretty card.

  13. A gorgeous sparkly card, I love that, and the DSP is gorgeous, as is all of her range, the reindeer is a cutie too. Thank you for taking time to stop by my blog, I am very appreciative. Have a good week.

  14. Oooooooh - love all the shimmer & shine on this card. It's BEAUTIFUL!
    Cheers, Karen

  15. Very pretty card LeAnne, that DP is beautiful and the glitter paper is a wonderful addition. I too have been run a little ragged, I too am behind on commenting.

  16. This is so pretty LeAnne. I love the reindeer stamped on the designer paper with his glittery antlers.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!