

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Happy Dirtday Challenges


I combined a few challenges today to make a “little boy” card….that might appeal to a big boy as well!  First, the SCS WT376 challenge was to use green; the Hand Stamped Sentiments challenge 119 was to make a masculine card (actually they said it’s all about the man-cave…..I may be stretching this a bit!); and Mary Jo’s Techno Stamper sketch #222:







I did flip my circular element on my card as it balanced the bulldozer image a little bit better:


I am not real sure about the two greens together, but I really wanted to use the new In Color, Gumball Green, especially that fun ribbon!  I paired it with Lucky Limeade and some paper from the Summer Smooches line.  I am sure some little boy won’t mind two clashing shades!  Here’s the inside as well:


If you have any questions, please shoot me an email!

Cassidy is perfecting her chalk art “swing”:

 DSCF0897 DSCF0899 


Thanks for visiting!


  1. That card is too fun!! Love the excavator and how you have the shovel popped up! Had to smile at Cassidy's drawing - remember my kids doing that swift stroke with the chalk and marveling at the fact there was something on the ground :)

  2. This is too cute, LeAnne! Love the DSP you used with the fun image. Perfect card for a little guy! Cassidy looks like she is having a blast with that chalk, too. :)

  3. Love the bright greens! And I love the bold graphic design! Miss C is making some bold moves of her own with that chalk :)

  4. Awesome card! This will definitely put a smile on someone's cute little face!

  5. So Cute!!! So bright and cheerful!!! Love the texture and perfect accents!!! Thanks for playing along with Hand Stamped Sentiments, Diane

  6. What a lovely card! My nephew would love this one. He is crazy about all this machine's

  7. Adorable card. I love the popped up parts of this bulldozer. Fun card.
    What fun to see Cassidy working on her chalk art "swing" - she will be drawing masterpieces in no time:)
    PS - hope you go my email today.

  8. Perfect! Love that designer paper looks great with that image! My son and hubby would both love this card! Thanks so much for playing along with my sketch challenge this week!

  9. LeAnne, you ALWAYS rock this set. I have a tendency to want to over do the background with this set and you show me that it's absolutely not necessary. The chevron DSP is perfect. What a great masculine card. As for Cassidy, her photos always make me smile and I can't believe how quickly she is growing.

  10. LeAnne, another awesome card created by you! I really like the two greens together as they add a very subtle depth of color for a striking finished design. I think the tractor digging right off the panel is super cool. It is so good to have you add to our challenge this week at Hand Stamped Sentiments. Smiles, Elizabeth

  11. What a fun card - love the dimension and that cute sentiment : )

  12. So, I decided to have my 7 year old twin boys give a "big boy" review of this card. They both gave you a thumbs up. They like the dimension, especially on the "scoopy" part and the wheels are "cool". :) It's all good to me, too. :) Thanks for joining us at Hand Stamped Sentiments.

  13. Perfect guy card! That sketch does such wonderful things for the chevron patterned paper, and I love that the scoop on the dozer reaches off of the paper. Thanks so much for playing at Hand Stamped Sentiments! Erika

  14. I LOVE this! I love all the green with the white! It' so cute for a little man:-) I need to get this set now that I have a sort-of nephew! I don't have any little boy stamps! Thanks for playing at HSS!

  15. This card is too cute! I am a huge fan of your work! And the "clashing" greens? They are what drew me to this card in the first place! I love that you use two different shades...they totally work!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!