

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Paper Players 89


Happy Sunday—Happy PALM Sunday—Happy APRIL!  It’s proving to be a beautiful day here in SE PA, I hope it’s nice where you are too!  Today’s Paper Players theme is hosted by Anne Marie, and it’s a good one!  Whaddya think?

When I first saw the challenge, I thought “UH OH!”  I don’t do “funny” too well.  As a child, I can remember my mom ALWAYS buying funny cards for my dad!  And I rarely do---not that I don’t have a good sense of humor, or love a good joke, but I usually make a more thoughtful card!  But I did dig around and found some “punny” stamps---I must have used them at one time---and dusted them off for my Tickle your Funnybone card:


I had just printed out these fun digital papers, and I thought they would go with my “chicken up on you” creation!  Just a little note about the sentiment; my friend Marisa just had on her blog that she was nervous about cutting her stamps apart to use a partial sentiment.  This clear stamp sentiment was on one line, but I snipped it in half so that it would be easier to fit in the corner.  It was much simpler to ink and line up the two separate sets of words than trying to ink just a portion of the stamp, and it’s very easy to line the two pieces back up.  So don’t be afraid!!   Fun colors, a fun sketch #234 from the Mojo Monday blog, and I was on my way:

Really, this was a simple card to make….I just used some layers, a couple brads and paper-pieced my chicks; the most challenging part was drawing in the grass with my marker.  Oh, I added a heart from the Owl Builder punch, and a tiny little rhinestone accent.  I know just to whom this card is going, too! I hope YOU can play along with us---we all need a good funny-bone tickle now and then, so I can’t wait to see what you create.  You can find all the details over at the Paper Players blog, and while you’re there, you can laugh at the what the other designers have come up with.  I have already gotten a hoot out of some of the cards!  And I am REALLY excited because my sweet friend Shirley, at Cute Stuff by Shirley, (who has the FUNNIEST, CUTEST cards) is our guest designer!!!  So be sure to check out her card as well!



  1. This card tickled my funny bone, for sure. How very clever finding the right stamps and background paper to match so PERFECTLY.

  2. Love "chicken" out your cards! This one rules the roost - and that cut apart sentiment came out eggs-actly right. Can you tell it's early and I haven't had breakfast yet?

  3. Happy Sunday, LeAnne! Not sure if you remember me but I do LOVE this card!! What stamp set did you use? If I could use this to cheer some folks up, encourage and bless them in this way, I would!! Thank you for sharing all of your cards ... I just love them all!!! I also love the pictures of little Cassidy ..l thank you for sharing .. wish I could meet her in person!! I adore little people and love her happy smile .. you are such a good Grama! ~Amy S.~

  4. I love your card - and the picture of Cassidy! Both remind me that spring is here!

  5. So cute-like how your images and papers match!

    Cute pic of Cassidy-busy girl!

  6. LOVE THIS, LeAnne!! The colors are so cheery and I think you nailed the funnybone challenge perfectly. I cannot wait to play along. Like you, I need to go through my stamps and find something since I don't think I have much in terms of "punniness"

    Happy Palm Sunday, my friend!

  7. I'm in awe of the creativity you put into this card! I remember that set and love what you did with it! And my Scallop Square Punch, sitting there all lonely, will come out and play with that sketch.

  8. This card is eggsactly the kind of card that makes me that you cut the sentiment apart...

  9. For someone who thinks she doesn’t do funny too well, you certainly knocked this one out of the ball park. And the digi paper you used is just perfect. Fun-fun-fun card

  10. Fun in the sandbox for sweet Cassidy:)
    Your card is so cute. Love the legs on the one chick. Your paper piecing is perfect and you did a great job on the grass. I'm the same - don't do funny very often, but you have pulled it off very well.....maybe I should take your example and give it a try sometime??

  11. what a fun card LeAnne :-) and Cassidy in the sand box is priceless!!!!

  12. Just "chicken" in to tell you how much I love this cutie card, LeAnne! Adorable! Those papers were the perfect touch and I really like how you paper pieced those sweet chickies. An instand day-brightener, in every way! Hope your weekend was fun! :)

  13. You did good on the funnybone challenge! I love the cute chick images, I really like how the baby chick is looking up at the Mama chick!! lol You picked the perfect sketch and color combo.


  14. Oh what a fun sand box!
    Love the card and it does tickle your funny bone!

  15. Just clucking by to tell you how cute this is! OK, that comment isn't as funny as the "chicken in" but that was already taken! Love those sweet chickens and the DP is PERFECT! Great take on the sketch too!

  16. Apparently I am not very funny as I couldn't come up with a clever, punny comment for this card:) But I will say that it is too cute and made me smile when I saw it! Love the colour choices you used and those images worked perfectly with that great sketch.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!