

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

ColourQ134 and CAS187


Happy Tuesday, peeps!  Another exciting color challenge for the ColourQ today----Arielle really made me put on my creative thinking cap with this one:


This definitely has an Asian theme to it, and I do not have anything evenly remotely Asian!  But I do have Pocket Silhouettes, which sadly is retiring at the end of May, so I pulled them out and followed the Clean and Simple Fall to Layout 187:

and here’s what I came up with:


Although I had my doubts about these colors when I began, I ended up really liking this card!!!  That’s what challenges are for, right?  Each stamped circle was backed with a matching mat, and the two outer ones were embossed with the Elegant Lines embossing folder and enhanced with a little silver doohickey.  And don’t you just love that sentiment?  Sweet!  I hope you can find something fun, pretty and creative to do with these colors too!  Share your project with us over at the ColourQ blog and be sure to check out what the other designers did as well.  I am amazed each week at the different styles they come up with!  And as always, if you have any questions, shoot me an email!

Dana took these pictures of Cassidy trying to eat a dandelion puff:

Cassidy & the dandelion-001

Cassidy didn't like the dandelion-001No, she’s NOT laughing!!! LOL!  Good thing she had that water bottle to wash it down! 


  1. Your card came out beautifully! Love that you framed some circles but left the bkgrnd-matching ones singular. And WAY too funny about Cassidy- great job catching those photos! :)

  2. I think Cassidy just found something to put on her 'don't like' list! Your card is perfect for both challenges, I have to say I love your "doohickey's"!

  3. Such a pretty card, and I love the pocket silhouettes! I can almost hear Cassidy saying AAAACKKKKKKK! LOL Cute :)

  4. LeAnne I love all those great circles on the blue background. Fabulous card and I am sure dandelion puffs are good for a growing girl. LOL

  5. Beautiful job with these tricky colors, LeAnne! I love those pocket silhouettes and the embossed circles you added. It's been so much fun working with you on the Royal Court!

  6. this is a beautiful card. I love watching daily what you come up with, you are very talented & thank you for sharing with us more newer card makers. Absolutely beautiful! :)

  7. I think you really captured the feel of the picture & the colors beautifully. The eel like fish would have really thrown me off. I love the layout that you used. I would have never thought of the burgundy with the other 3 colors, but it really does look pretty all together. Really like how you used the little circles of the embossing folder to capture the look of the coral.

  8. GORGEOUS!! I love the colors and the images...the layout! Well done!

  9. Nice job with those tricky colors! I've been eyeballing that sketch too afraid to give it a go, but you've inspired me. Maybe I'll have to see what I can come up with...

  10. What would we do without those doohickeys! giggle
    Love how your card came together - great colors and you totally nailed the design. Fun pics of Ms C trying a new food group - she is such a delight!

  11. I love the colors together too! Love how you've used this sweet set too. I've always thought it was pretty!

  12. Oh I guess dandelion puffs aren't so good. LOL Don't you feed that little girl? LOL
    Love your beautiful card. I really am liking pool party. I used it on one of the Christmas cards I made this week.

  13. Very lovely card! You made those colors work, which couldn't have been easy.

  14. This is such a beautiful card. The images and colors are just perfect.

  15. You've done a great job with these colours LeAnne and the sentiment is fab. I like the added embossing and brads.

  16. Gorgeous card!...and I love what you did with the circles...especially the little embossed ones! :) Thanks also for the lovely comment on my blog. :)


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!