

Monday, March 5, 2012


Happy sunny Monday!  Woohoo!  I got my computer back and there was nothing wrong with it….go figure!  But that is good news, so I am pretty happy!  I have a real CAS card to share today, totally inspired by this card of Mary Brown’s—and it completes three challenges:
So “HB” is not really a monogram, but it does stand for Happy Birthday and since I needed a birthday card for my nephew’s upcoming big day, I thought this would a good masculine card:
I find it difficult to do cards for teenage boys, but he plays several instruments and is in jazz band, so I hope this somewhat appeals to him.  The flourish may be a little questionable but I imagine what’s inside is probably more important to him!!!  The card is glossy white (when was the last time you used that?) so it has a real contemporary flair.  The music wheel was stamped in Stazon; the flourish in Sahara Sand and the dots in Going Gray, stamped off once!  The Basic Black letters are die cut from the Timeless Type Alphabet.  Oh, and the music that inspired me was “Happy Birthday to You”!!! LOL!

One of the reasons I was worried about my computer crash were these pix of Cassidy a couple weeks ago as I was cleaning:
Ah, the imagination of a child….and no, it wasn’t running!  And hopefully I'll get her to USE it one of these days!!!


  1. So stylish! Just love your card LeAnne... Think I will have to CASE it :)

  2. Haha! What a kid! Love the collage card.

  3. That is just too cute...(Cassidy of course)...who would have thought..only a child's imagination. Oh, love your card too, lol!

  4. Fabulous card and gorgeous girl!
    Thanks so much LeAnne
    "Less is More"

  5. Wonderful card LeAnne - so perfect for a boy and I have so many musical boys in my life that I'm definitely going to have to case this! Isn't she just too cute - you might have to really watch out if she does actually start using that thing though - she might just sweep up everything in her path. Too cute! ~chris

  6. Great card!
    Sometimes housework is hard and you just have to take a little break and find the closest thing around to take a load off! lol

  7. What a fun card! Love it. Had to giggle at the pics of Cassidy. Kids are just too much fun to watch :)

  8. This card is "just right"! If your nephew likes music he will love this card.

    I've often thought that someone should make a riding toy vacuum!

  9. The simple style of your card is great. And I love polka dots

  10. Oh to be able to put a CAS card together like this and have it look so classy! Lovely, LeAnne as well as the pics!

  11. Love your music card LeAnne! I think your nephew will appreciate the design! and what a fun cleaning helper you have!

  12. oh my've got me laughing out loud girl! So So funny LeAnne ~ I'm so glad you got your computer back and all is well....the card....well, great as usually ~ I really find CAS hard to create and you nailed it once again ~ love what you create my dear!

  13. Perfect card for you nephew! Your are so good with that wheel. It is so straight.
    My son always wanted to ride on the vac when he was little. He now owns that vac. LOL

  14. My kids always loved to ride the vacuum and it looks like maybe Cassidy is waiting for a ride too! Cute! Cute card too!

  15. LeAnne, I love your card just the perfect CAS style that I love.
    Cassidy looks like she enjoyed playing with the vacuum.

  16. Oh I LOVE this card!! perfect for someone in jazz band! Perfection!

  17. Terrific card LeAnne, as is your little girl, beautiful face

    Thank you very much
    "Less is More"

  18. I know your nephew will be so pleased with this card, I think it's PERFECT! Are you old enough to remember Art Linkletter? Cassidy would have been a star on his show.

  19. Super music card and lovely photos. x

  20. I'm sooosooo happy for you that you didn't lose these precious pictures of Cassidy - what a doll.
    Your melodious card is very elegant in black and white. It's a perfect guy card - especially for a teenager playing in a band.

  21. Since tht little cutie pie likes to clean so much, you can send her over any time! Lol! I wish I looked that happy cleaning my house! I generally look like Cassidy in the second photo...utter defeat! Haha!

    What a fun card for your nephew's special day! Love the layered images. Thanks so much for joining us this week at Our Creative Corner! :)


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