

Saturday, February 18, 2012

My Favorite Layout


No, that’s not the name of a new challenge, it’s just me showing you my favorite layout, the one I go to when I need a quick card!  On this birthday card, I used a sweet vintage image from Crafty Secrets, stamped it in Regal Rose and mounted it on a card with two coordinating Basic Grey papers:


The DP panels are roughly one third and two thirds; sometimes I add a layer behind them; sometimes I separate the pieces to show the layer behind; today I added some pretty gingham ribbon that I’ve had in my stash for ages!   Sometimes I just put a sentiment as my focal image, sometimes I don’t use a sentiment on the front and just put it on the inside…there are so many possibilities with this layout, that’s why I love it so much!  Plus I get to play with beautiful papers that I sometimes tend to hoard!

DSCF6180 And although we all love to color, if you have a beautiful line image like this, you don’t need to color it every time!  Isn’t she sweet?  This card took about 15 minutes to make once I decided on my colors and patterns! 

Thanks for visiting today and be sure to come back tomorrow for a new Paper Players challenge!

Does it make me a bad grammy if I let her lick the frosting spoon???



  1. I finally understand the reasoning behind having a template for a card. If I was smart enough to use them I wouldn't end up staring at a blank piece of paper for so long. I finally put some of my cards on my post today. NOT great ones like yours, but cards none-the-less.

  2. Thank you, LeAnne! I was in need of a quick layout and you came to my rescue! LOVE the colors and that ribbon is beautiful.

    As for the makes you the BEST grandma!! What a great picture of her. Thank you for sharing her with us. It's so fun watching her "grow up".

    Have a great weekend.

  3. Haha! Licking the frosting spoon - is probably what someone was doing when they coined the phrase, "Life is good"! Love your color combo on that card, btw.

  4. A good grammy, or mommy, will always let the little ones (or big ones) lick the spoon. Helps keep ounces off of us big girls!

    Like that layout really well. Beautiful gingham ribbon!

  5. Very pretty, LeAnne! I am trying to remember to use ink in colors! I tend to always reach for my black and brown ink... This is beautiful stamped in pink. Looks like your Cassidy in a couple more years! Hugs...

  6. NO it make you a real grandma to let Cassidy like the spoon. So sweet!
    Very pretty card!

  7. It makes you the BEST grammy...she'll always remember these little things..

  8. Definitely makes you the best grammy ever! I am going to need helpful hints and guidance from you soon as my daughter is expecting in Sept. and I will be "you" 6 weeks later!

  9. Oh no it makes you a good Grammy ! Only grandmas ! Lol

  10. Gorgeous Leanne! I *love* these colors and your go-to layout.

  11. Your title would be the perfect name for a new challenge site!! That pink and white ribbon is gorgeous as is your little angel licking the spoon!

  12. My grandma always let me lick the spoon:) What a cutie! Cute card too:)

  13. Beautiful card and colors! You are a good grammy and blessed to be able to spend so much time with your grand daughter. My grands are too far away to see more than a couple times a year.

  14. You are the BEST Grammy for Spoon/Spatula licking! That is our inalienable rights as Grand-parents! You keep up the good Grammy stuff!
    Cheryl McAskill

  15. Your card is absolutely pretty in pink! And I think you get points for the "Best Grammy EVER" for letting Cassidy lick the frosting spoon. That was my favorite part of learning to cook with my own grandmother. So sweet! :)

  16. Beautiful card. And definitely, "Best Grammy Ever!" points for letting her lick the spoon.

  17. Thank you for all your inspiring ideas LeAnne, you're always on top of your game! I think you're the best Grammy EVER and I'm still licking my icing spoons!

  18. Such a gorgeous vintage card! Love it. One of my fondest memories of both of my grams was baking with them in their kitchen and getting to lick the spoon and clean the bowl! You are creating the same marvelous memories for Cassidy! Way to go Grandma! ~chris


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