

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Winter Vignette


Happy Christmas Eve!  I wanted to share one last little Christmas project with you….this is my gift for my sister.  We aren’t supposed to exchange gifts, but she is a great yard-saler and thrift-shop-junkie, and always manages to find me a treat here or there, so I just used some goodies I had laying around to make her a little vintage scene.  It was inspired by this post at Glue Arts and instead of stamping and making clay figures, I used some vintage images that I had (since I seem to collect them by the thousands and just look at them instead of using them!) along with some other little goodies sprinkled with a good dose of glitter:




This little girl just reminds me of Cassidy with that little look on her face!  The sentiment at the bottom of the card says “Did you hear anything in the chimney?”  So cute!  I used lots of hot glue on this creation, and getting the mica flakes to stick on the styrofoam was a challenge….I used spray glue, patted the flakes on, then sprayed the entire thing again with a matte finish.  It seems to not be “shedding” too much!  It also was a little top-heavy, so I used a SU chipboard scallop adhered to my vintage spool on the bottom, and that gave it a good base.  I hope she likes it!


Thank you to everyone who has sent me beautiful hand-made cards this year!  Cassidy thanks you too—the envelopes are her favorite part!


  1. I am blown away by this piece!! You do such beautiful work which is why I can hardly wait to see your posts each week. I wish you and yours all the blessings of Christmas y Prospero Nuevo Ano!
    Dona S
    Austin, TX

  2. Just gorgeous, LeAnne, I know she will love it! I hope you have a Merry Christmas! :) hugs!

  3. Merry Christmas, LeAnne. Your project is unique and sure to become a treasured keepsake. I had seen that picket fencing die and could not imagine what anyone would use it for. This is why I love coming to your blog!
    Cheryl M.

  4. M-E-R-R-Y Christmas sweet friend!!! I know your sister will love this (but if she doesn't, you have my address giggle!) And just look at our darling Cassidy - if she gets any cuter, I'll be a pile of mush...her darling little face just turns my heart to warm fuzzies...adore this child!!
    Blessings to your family

  5. Merry Christmas LeAnne! Love the wonderful vintage project. Looks like a real antique. So Cool!
    Cassidy has the best smile!

  6. WOW! LeAnne this is fantastic! I love the vintage look and it is so darn clever with the tree and other goodies. What a stunning gift.

  7. LeAnne... I bet your Sister Loved this! How Wonderful to get a handmade gift. I gave my Sister one of my Owls. I hope you had a Fun Christmas!



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