

Saturday, December 17, 2011



Happy Saturday!  I had a chance to do a little stamping today and I found this beautiful color challenge at Our Creative Corner from my DT girlfriend, Anne Marie, and I just had to put it to good use:

My niece just graduated from nursing school, so I wanted to make her a congrats card.  I thought these colors would be fun—hope it’s okay that I didn’t make a holiday card!  Here we go:

DSCF0154 DSCF0155 DSCF0156 

I chose to use Bashful Blue, Pretty in Pink, Pink Pirouette and Cherry Cobbler as my colors.  I also used the sketch from Stamping 411 for this week:

Pumpkin was taking a little break on my computer desk this morning….overpowering a different kind of mouse!


At 18 years old, she still mouses like a champion!  And she has to put up with all kinds of distractions…Cassidy is getting ready to give her a kiss, although it looks like she is going to bite her, LOL!


Thanks for visiting today!  If you have any questions about stamps or accessories, let me know! 


  1. How pretty LeAnne, love the stamping behind the embossed dots. Love the kitty...cute!

  2. So pretty LeAnne, love the butterflies. Thanks for playing along with us this week on the OCC!!!

  3. Great use of the colours. Love the picture of Pumpkin :) Our cat is 17 and a total mouser still too. Don't even want to imagine what he was like as a kitten LOL!

  4. Great take on both challenges. I love all that embossing. It seems like I always forget to use those folders!

    And I love your little mouser. I've got two 5 month old kittens and they've caught a grand total of one mouse! I'm not sure if they're lousy at it or if all the mice have been scared off!!

  5. Your card is so pretty. I love the colors.
    Pumpkin is really taking card of that electronic mouse. So cute. It looks like Cassidy is saying Hello to Pumpkin. I am so amazed how Pumpkin just sits and doesn't run from Cassidy. It may be because she is 18. I don't know if Max mouses. Girl cats are always better at that. LOL

  6. This is gorgeous LeAnne ... love your take on our colour challenge this week ... I love the cherry cobbler, it adds such a beautiful elegance to this colour combination!
    Thanks for joining us this week at Our Creative Corner!!!

    And, another darling picture of your sweet Cassidy the cat and mouse!!!

  7. what a beautiful card LeAnne ~ I just love what you create....fabulous ~ TFS your gift with us ~ Cassidy is looking so grown up! Have a wonderful weekend :-)

  8. absolutely LOVE this card! The colors are so pretty, and work so well with the sketch!! Great job!!

  9. Beautiful card, LeAnne! I'm sure your niece will love it! Love the pics of Pumpkin & Cassidy! So funny and oh so cute! Thanks for sharing your inspiring work!

  10. Oh my goodness. This is just adorable. Love everything about it. Thanks for playing along.

  11. I just love your Cassidy pictures. She is such a cutie patootie!!! Speaking of cute, this card is just that!! I adore those colors!!! Your niece is going to love it!!!

  12. It's absolutely fine that you didn't make a holiday card. This is gorgeous! Great attention to detail. Thanks so much for playing along at Stamping 411! Blessings, Gretchen

  13. A gorgeous creation as always my friend. Merry Christmas to you and yours! :D

  14. Nom, nom, nom...kitty!! Little Pumpkin is 18 years old? Wow! She's so cute! And still a mouser? I can't imagine what mine would do if they saw a mouse. If there is a fly in the house they come to us to "fix" it for them. it's pretty funny.

    Love you card, LeAnne! I especially love the stamped flourishes on the embossed background. Such a pretty and delicate card. I'm sure your niece will love it. Thank you so much for playing along at OCC! Hugs! :)


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!