

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Midnight Stamping


Late at night seems to be the only time I get to stamp anymore!!  And the next day I pay the price!  LOL!  But today is DH’s birthday, and I needed to make him a card, so late at night it was.  Mary Jo the Techno Stamper has a wonderful sketch challenge every Monday, and I don’t get to participate enough, but if she gets 25 participants this week, she’ll have a giveaway! So check it out here!  Her sketch was perfect for the image I wanted to use:


My hubby loves sailing, so this image from Winds of Grace is one I know he’ll like:


I used one of the tags from the Two Tags die for my bottom element and finally got to use some Denim ribbon!!!  I added some knotted twine as some extra interest as well as over-stamping the sailboat with the Woodgrain BG stamp.  I hope he likes it!


And since today is John’s day, I thought I’d share a picture of him instead of Cassidy, along with the other love of his life:


Thanks for visiting today!

Wee Details:

  • Stamps:  Winds of Grace (ret), Petite Pairs, Woodgrain
  • Paper:  Naturals White, Crumb Cake, Stella Rose, MME
  • Ink:  Night of Navy, Crumb Cake, Marina Mist
  • Acc:  Two Tags Die, Metallic Brads, Hemp Twine, 1 1/4” Circle & 1/16” Punches, Dimensionals, Daubers


  1. How brilliant of you to use the two tags die like that! I love it. Perfect. I also love the whole card, I am sure your hubby did too. Thanks so much for playing along with my 200th sketch challenge!

  2. Love how you did that long panel with the decorative circle behind the sentiment. Very HANDSOME-looking CARD!!

  3. what a fabulous card for John ~ and his boat is gorgeous! Have a wonderful day LeAnne :-)

  4. Wow this is wonderful! Love the image - the colors - and how you snuck the two tags die in there! The denim ribbon is very cool - and who knew you could tie such great knots! The only knots I can tie are the ones I do accidentally!

  5. A new use for the 2 Tags die!!! What a clever idea that will be sure to inspire many stampers. Wonderful, wonderful card! I plan to CASE it using supplies I have on hand - the ultimate compliment for a stamper....people want to copy the design because it is so GREAT! You rock!

  6. Wow this is beautiful! I love that image and the knots you made. Is that your sail boat? It is beautiful. Do you sail at Cape May?

  7. This cars is perfect for him based on the picture you shared :) Love the knotted twine, wood grain BG and great DPs you used. I'm sure he will love it!

  8. Hey there! I love your early morning card! Great denim trim, sometimes I think I do my best work late like that! ;) All the stamps on my recent post are from Inkadinkado, here's a link to the Christmas set you asked about... Hope you are having a great day! Hugs!

  9. Ohhhhh, the dreamy details of this fine, fine, creation, my SWEET friend!!! Great JOB! DH is going to be DARLING HAPPY hubs, for sure! LOVE that pict. of your sweet man and "his other love!" Enjoy!!!

  10. This is a great card! I love how you used the two tags die, and the denim ribbon is awesome!

  11. Super pretty card. Thanks for the good ideas.

  12. Love the color & the knots! Also nice to see John. He should have a big photo of Him in the boat! Please wish him a very Happy Birthday...Barb

  13. There is so much I am liking about this card. The use of the die like that is very clever and I love the knots on the denim ribbon. Oh,and the woodgrain is a great touch! Happy Birthday to your hub.

  14. What a great masculine card! Love the denim ribbon and the die with the sentiment! Hope John's birthday was fabulous!

  15. Great card and great picture - she's a beauty and I can see that he and dh would get along just fine! Maybe one of these days we'll sail down and visit. Love the tag treatment and I am definitely going to have to case that one. ~chris

  16. Perfect masculine card. That denim twill is gorgeous. Great idea to use the tag this way. Beautiful DPs - perfect for this card.

  17. Great Man Card. Love how you used the tag on there.



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