

Friday, October 21, 2011

Stampin Royalty 94


I have not played with any of the Stampin’ Royalty challenges for a long, long time!  I still had this Happy Go Lucky paper sitting on my desk from yesterday’s card, and when I saw this week’s sketch, I thought these papers would make a cheerful card!  Here’s the sketch:


And here’s my card:


I went pretty literal with the sketch!  My diecut panel is from Waltzingmouse, stamped in Baja Breeze and cut with a Nestie.  The birds are some Puffies from my LSS; the buttons are diecut with SU’s Button Die; sentiment is from MFT, stamped in Not Quite Navy.  Pretty simple!  Email me if you have any questions!


Try as we may, we cannot keep shoes on her feet or barrettes in her hair!!!



  1. Leanne, I love your bird card! And I love purple shirts and I kick off my shoes every chance I get and never did well with barrettes either! And neither did my daughter! Well, the barrette part, not the shoe part, she has a gazillion pairs of shoes and a bazillion pairs of boots! :) I smile because it's her money!

  2. Cassidy looks like she is wondering why you put things in her hair. LOL She is so cute.
    Your card is adorable. I love the birds. What is LSS?

  3. Love this bright, fun card! That button paper is lovely and those birds are adorable!

  4. Happy Saturday to you LeAnne,

    I didn't get a chance to comment on this really sweet card yesterday but wanted you to know I think you are truly a "master" at pulling colors together in a super harmonious way. Those puffy birds are gorgeous. I used to make felt Christmas ornaments similarly but by hand. I may have to try to make some puffy birds of my own. Hehe I am lovin' this card!

    Have a blessed weekend. Martha

  5. Comment #2

    I got so long winded about your card I forgot about your Cassidy picture...She is too cute contemplating that barrette and I too don't wear shoes as often as I can get away with it. I have even run out to my mail box in the snow in winter bare footed (but not often.) LOL Keep 'em coming 'cause we love seeing Cassidy grow. (What is LSS? I am a dunce when it comes to blog speak.)

    Love, Martha

  6. Oh my goodness I love this card with the felt birds!! Awesome paper too!

  7. Love these birds on this wonderful card, LeAnne. A darling photo of Cassidy too.

  8. Yay LeAnne so glad you got to play with us this week at Stampin' Royalty! Love the sweet felt birds and the colour combo is so fresh and fun.

    I had to chuckle about the barret and shoes comments as I have diffently lived through that stage,lol! My four and a half year old still has to pull out her clips and pony tails before the day is done:)

  9. Hi LeAnne, fabulous card - congrats on earning top picks at Stampin' Royalty. I laughed at your comment about Cassidy. My daughter Teagan has always hated any kind of hair accessory. She's 4 years old and she still refuses to wear a ponytail or pig tails for more than 5 minutes.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!