

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Monkey Sketch 74


Oh, those sweet girls Terry & Shirley over A La Card Monkey---they asked me to be a guest designer again!  Of course I said “yes”!  Here’s the sketch, with the theme “You’ve Got A Friend”:

Monkey 74 Friend-001

and I was just looking for an excuse to get my new Creative Elements inky:

Monkey 74

I hadn’t done anything vintage for a while….the Well Worn DP gave me my colors.  I first stamped the emblem image from Artistic Etchings and punched them out.  Then the floral image was stamped first in Versamark, then Night of Navy and stamped on Very Vanilla, then embossed with Clear embossing powder and shaded with Crumb Cake. 


I stamped the flourish on some First Edition DP, layered it with vellum; stamped the frame and sentiment from You’re A Gem on another piece of vellum and layered it on top.  SU’s new beautiful velvet ribbon and an Antique brad finished it off.


I hope you’ll play along with all the other creative stampers at the Card Monkey this week!!!

Just a fun little picture of MY little grand-monkey:



  1. This card is over the top gorgeous, LeAnne! The elements and the vellum layers are just beautiful! I so enjoyed our time at the fair yesterday...your little gand-monkey is precious!

  2. Oh, LeAnne, this is just stunning! I need to make a card for a friend's upcoming wedding and knew I wanted to use vellum so I was happy to see your card. You have inspired me with your beautiful use of the vellum and the layout. Hope all is well, my friend!

  3. Wow! No wonder they keep inviting you to be the guest designer! That sketch would have thrown me off with the center image of flowers & butterfly. Love this Night of Navy on Vanilla & Vellum! Fantastic LeAnne! You can make more vintage please! Lets see some Vintage Christmas soon!!

  4. Wow you went all out girl! Gorgeous! These blues are "blue"tiful! The only thing more "blue"tiful are the eyes on the grand-monkey :)

  5. I love your card, LeAnne. Thanks for being our Guest Designer this week at A La Card Monkey. I think the addition of vellum and embossing is gorgeous with this stamp set. Love the ribbon and antique brad too.

  6. This is amazing, I don't have this set, but now it is on the top of the list!!!

  7. What a beautiful card!!! You're so talented!

  8. This Picture made me laugh. Cassidy is so cute!
    I love that blue card it is beautiful.

  9. Absolutely gorgeous LeAnne! The colors, design and vellum are just stunning.

  10. Wow...that flower looks amazing embossed...I need to try it! Gorgeous blue card, love it so much LeAnne...great pic of Cassidy too! LOL...grrr....!!

  11. LeAnne!!! This card is stunning. I love blue - and I love the medallions at the back behind the delicate flower. Beautiful card!

  12. Look how perfectly the brad matches the small medallions on the background! I haven't been very fond of vellum.....but you're changing my mind!

  13. Your card is very pretty! Liebe Grüße Ulrike


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