

Friday, September 30, 2011

CCMC169 & CPS134


Happy Friday, peeps!  It finally looks like it may actually be fall here in SE PA….I felt like I was visiting my sister in SC the last two weeks…humid & damp!  Anyhoo, I saw this lovely color combo while blurfing at 3 am over at Create with Connie & Mary (sinus headache) and couldn’t wait to use it for a masculine get-well card I needed!  Here’s the combo:


Cool, huh?   Well, in my bleary-eyed state, I was pretty sure that center image was Crumb Cake, so that’s what I used on my card---oops!  I hope Connie & Mary don’t totally disqualify me!  I used sketch 134 from Card Patterns, too:

Card Patterns Sketch 134

and here’s my creation:


Not much stamping, just a lot of embossing and texturing!  I used the Backgrounds #1 Texture Plate for the base; Perfect Polka Dots and Square Lattice for the circles, and my new Simply Scored for the panel.  Here’s a closer view of that:


I scored it at 1/8” intervals.  The Simply Scored really makes quick work of it! 

Wee Details:

  • Stamps:  Always in my Thoughts (ret)
  • Paper:  Crumb Cake, Pool Party, Basic Black
  • Ink:  Stazon
  • Acc:  Simply Scored, Small Oval & 1” Circle Punches, Background 1 Textures Plate, Perfect Polka Dots & Square Lattice Embossing Folders, Pinked Hearts Border Punch, Narrow Black Grosgrain Ribbon, 1/16” Hole Punch, Linen Thread, Dimensionals

And just so you don’t think that us demonstrators are the only ones who get excited when a SU box arrives:







And sorry about the mismatched outfit—we had a very dirty play day!  Thanks for visiting today!


  1. I'm too old and tired to be around your little energizer bunny, but I'll take the box she's playing in. . . (with all the things that came in it of course).

  2. Leanne, very nice card, love the simplicity of it along with lots of texture. Adorable pix's of your granddaughter, so cute and looks like into everything! Aren't they fun?

  3. Now remember this when you are tempted to buy lots of Christmas presents. Just get the box. LOL So adorable!

  4. Crumb Cake works! Love all of the different textures! And I love seeing the next stamping generation being so happy to see that box!

  5. Leanne - I absolutely love the simplicity of this card. The colors are beautiful and all of the textures. The little one is so cute and looks like she is having so much fun. Thanks for sharing.

    Linda D.

  6. Ooh wow ... this is just gorgous ... love that pool party and I love the graphic design of your card!

    And your little cutie patootie is just the sweetest ... I too get excited when I see that box!!!

  7. When I first saw the challenge colors....I was thinking 'I don't know about these colors'...then I scrolled down and there was your beautiful creation....I knew you would pull this one off with a bang!! Job well done! I'm like Beau's Mom, Fantastic pic's of Cassidy (super model for SU)but I'll take the box and what was in it. LOL

  8. Who cares about a mis-matching outfit when you're as cute as that?! The pretty girls can wear anything and look fabulous!

    Love the card ... the colors are wonderful and I like the Crumb Cake!

  9. What Crumb Cake, I don't see Crumb Cake :) Love all the textures and embossing. Great card! Thanks for playing Create with Connie & Mary!

  10. Oooh love all the scored lines, what a great use of the board! Love all the texture too--how did you get such a deep impression on the plate?! Cassidy is playing in that box like a kitty cat--too cute! Thanks for joining us at Create with Connie & Mary!

  11. Awesome card! I love the layout, too! I think the Crumb Cake really looks like Sahara Sand in the picture! And what a clever idea to score lines for some added texture! Thanks for playing the challenge at Create with Connie and Mary!

  12. I love all the texture on this! Those circles are so much fun! Thanks for playing at CCMC this week.

  13. I LOVE the simplicity yet the use of all the textures on this card..DELIGHTFUL!! And that baby in a box...TOO CUTE! Thanks for joining us this week for the Create with Connie and Mary Thursday Challenge!

  14. So cute, love all the different textures you featured...great for a masculine card! And your little darling is too cute playing with that box! Thanks for playing along with us on Create with Connie and Mary (Crumb Cake...Sahara...close enough!)

  15. Clean and simple. Cute baby...sometimes the best toys are the simple things! Thanks for playing the Create with Connie & Mary Challenge this week!


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