

Monday, July 25, 2011

CAS128 Array of Sunshine


Happy Monday!  Is everyone staying cool?  I don’t know what it is like in your neck of the woods, but we just went through some of the hottest weather I can remember.  We went to Baltimore’s Inner Harbor (forgot my camera, sorry!) on my FIL’s boat this weekend---thankfully, it had A/C, but walking through Fell’s Point and Inner Harbor was a struggle---even the breeze was stiflingly hot!  So needless to say, I am waay behind in all kinds of things, plus I have family coming to spend the week, so if my posting & commenting is sparse, please forgive me!  I also haven’t been around the baby, so no recent pictures!  Anyway, I did make a card for an upcoming birthday which fits the CAS tag challenge today at SCS:


Although this looks complex, it is just a one-layer card, the tag and some ribbon!  The floral images are stamped and masked with Elegant Eggplant and Wisteria Wonder inks, which is a really pretty color combo I think, especially since my friend loves purple!


This new sentiment set called Petite Pairs is great!  There are coordinating inside and outside sentiments for each set! 


Stay cool, everyone!

Wee Details:

  • Stamps:  Array of Sunshine, Petite Pairs
  • Paper:  Whisper White, Wisteria Wonder Patterns Designer Paper
  • Ink:  Elegant Eggplant, Wisteria Wonder
  • Acc: In Color Brad, Satin Ribbon, Lots of Tags Die, Dimensionals, Post-it Note for masking


  1. Such a pretty card! I love this color combination; just designed a card for my August class with the same colors! Stay cool!


    A CARD to look at!!!

    Now don't stray away. I need your inspiration. See how much you're needed?

  3. What a pretty card, LeAnne! Looks like you were thinking cool when you made this. The heat is oppressive everywhere. Last night I turned off the water outside just before midnight, and I thought it was nice outside with just a hint of a breeze. It was actually 90! Stay cool my friend and have a great day!

  4. love your card LeAnne ~ thanks for sharing and inspirations! are SO sweet!!!!

  5. Love these colors, LeAnne! What a beautiful CAS monochromatic card! Hopefully we'll get some relief from the heat soon...stay cool!

  6. Hi LeAnne,
    Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. The ferris wheel stamp you asked about actually came from the 1$ bin at Michael's. Go figure, right? Sometimes they just have the cutest things!

  7. GORGEOUS! I love all that pretty purple and those big, bold flowers! Hope you are having a great week so far! :)


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