

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Color Throwdown 144

CTD144 banner

Hi everyone!  It’s Wednesday and that means the Color Throwdown team has thrown together another color combo for us….I haven’t played in a couple weeks, and Cathy’s pretty selection had me itching to jump in:

swatch 144 updated

It seems that most of my cards have been pretty simple lately, as I have been doing some stuff around the house (as well as babysitting!) so I hope you don’t mind simplicity!  The Fabulous Florets set was already sitting on my desk, and I had seen this lovely card on Lisa’s blog and thought it would be fun to do some watercoloring again, this time without the embossing:


This card is 4 1/8” square; the stamped panel is a piece of 3 3/4” square water color paper., which really makes watercoloring a breeze!  I used my aquapainter and some reinkers, masking the floral images for the final step of stamping the greenery.  I also added some spritzes with my spritzing tool (still getting the hang of THAT!) and I (gasp!) cut apart the Happy Birthday sentiment from Curly Cute so that I could easily position it the way I wanted. 

CTD144 closeup

Oooh, this was fun and easy and QUICK!  And just a reminder---the Stampin’Up! Retired List comes out today---if you need a copy or want to place an order, just let me know!

I was looking through some older photos of the baby and realized I hadn’t posted this cutie:


Thanks for stopping by!  Be sure to play along with the CTD girls, too---all the info is on their blog! :D

  • Stamps:  Fabulous Florets, Curly Cute
  • Paper:  Certainly Celery, Watercolor
  • Ink:  Certainly Celery, Melon Mambo, Pumpkin Pie
  • Acc:  Aquapainter, Spritzer, post-it notes for masks, Pearls, dimensionals


  1. your cards always beautiful, but i'm going to be honest, it's that baby's sweet face that i look forward to everyday...i've loved watching her 'grow', she so expressive and i'm sure she's delightful <3 thank you for sharing her with us

  2. What a beauty! I am loving this flower set more and more every time I see it. Your watercoloring is amazing!

  3. This is really beautiful - love the colour and the 'spritzing'.
    Caroline xxx

  4. Very pretty card-lile the colors, coloring and the spritzing. Of course, Cassidy is the star-sorry. :>)

  5. Wow, LeAnne, this is so beautiful! You don't even notice that it's one layer because of how the fabulous flowers just draw your eye! And I love the bright pink sentiment with the little spritzes around it!

  6. How sweet to have you playing with us today!! Love this card!! That flower image is gorgeous and your coloring is fabulous!

  7. OHGosh what a beautiful card! Those flowers are awesome! :)

  8. This is so pretty LeAnne! I love the loose, casual water coloring!

  9. Oh girl! This is far from simple. Your watercoloring is lovely, and I'm very fond of the spritzing. I've never tried that technique, which is so sad because I always love how it looks (well, almost always :). Those blooms and that curly font are adorable!!

    Cassidy is so cute...I could just eat her up ;]

  10. What a sweetie pie! Your card is beautiful also! ;)

  11. What a lovely card! It jumped right out at me, love it!
    And awwww what a cutie baby pic.
    Kaz x

  12. absolutely LOVE this card LeAnne ~ I haven't purchased this stamp set...but now I'm thinking that I really need this ~ love how you've stamped the different layers and watercolored ~ gorgeous!!!! Cassidy, well you know :-) sweetness!!!!

  13. How beautiful! Those florals are so perfect in these colors!

  14. This is so soft and pretty! I love the way you watercolored in only the colors! I have this set and it hasn't seen ink yet. I think I'll get it out next time I stamp!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!