

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Card Monkey 59


Wow, I was thrilled when Terry and Shirley of a la Card Monkey fame asked me to guest design again this week!  And what a fabulous challenge---a vintage themed sketch:

Monkey59 Vintage-001

I pulled out Nature Walk and a K&Co pad of DP, along with some other little embellishments, and went to work:


Ooh, so much sweetness going on here!  I stamped my birdcage in Basic Gray ink on a piece of patterned paper, added a couple bees here and there, and mounted it on top of a scalloped piece of vellum on which I had stamped French Script:


I added some shabby seam binding, lace, a crimped “ruffle”, some glittery embellishments, and a fussy-cut flower….and added a Tiny Tag sentiment.  So yummy!



Make sure you boogie on over to the Card Monkey blog so you can see what the other designers have come up with and try your hand at this challenge too!  Thanks for visiting today—if you have any questions, please just shoot me an email!



  1. OMG ... This is really beautiful ... you do vintage soo well, I love all the varied embellishments you have used to adorn this card .... Just great!!!

  2. Leanne, this is WONDERFUL! So lovely. I wish I could do vintage like you do it. When I try it looks more like a 3rd grade collage project.


  3. I go to your blog each day looking for those beautiful eyes...God has certainly blessed you.

  4. LeAnne ~ this is fabulous ~ all the elements that you've going on! wow wow wow!!! enjoy your weekend!

  5. haha! I was just going to comment on those big blue eyes but noticed that the comment before mine said the same thing.....guess it's unanimous! Oh, AND, I love your card! I have such a hard time with shabby chic & vintage but your card is perfect!

  6. This is amazing! I love it! So pretty. I love that lace. Your vintage cards are the best!

  7. This is beautiful! You really know how to pull such a variety of vintage embellishments together!

  8. beautiful shabby chic creation, LeAnne!

  9. Wahoo! Congrats on another week on the design team! You do a fabulous job on vintage designs - just lovely.
    Sweet Cassidy sure looks pleased about somethings. Her eyes just sparkle. Hugs

  10. Ok, this is too fabulous for words, LeAnne! I saw this on the challenge site and my jaw dropped. You have so many shabby-licious details going on here and it's perfection. I'm voting for some tutorials on how you make vintage-style looks so awesome every time!. Hugs!

  11. This is so Shabby Chic and Vintage at the same time. You knocked it out of the Park!! Love it so so much. This one has to be one of my all time Fav's!!


  12. Gorgeous card, LeAnne! I love the colors and composition. It's so pretty. Thanks for being our guest designer this week! I'm a big fan.

    A La Card Monkey


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!