

Monday, May 23, 2011

CAS120, JAI68 & A Fun Day


Before I show you my CAS Christmas card for today, I want to share with a picture of my lunch “date” yesterday---none other than the wonderful Elise from Mamacow Creations!


We had a fabby meal and did lots of chatting!  It’s so fun to meet an online friend IRL!  And now on to my card!  This is for the SCS CAS120 challenge today, which is a sketch, as well as the Just Add Ink color challenge:


I put to use some new MME paper, along with a chipboard snowflake from Brenda Walton:


I added a simple vellum panel to the bottom, as I didn’t want to completely hide the snowflake underneath, and heat embossed the CHF sentiment in Gold Glory embossing powder.   TFL!


Have any of you ever had your children’s or grandchildren’s teeth come in on the top like this?  Those little “fangs” coming down just crack me up!


Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting!


  1. 'Fangs', huh? I hope it's not a vision of what's coming with this innocent, beautiful blue-eyed sweetie! haha

  2. I have never seen teeth come in that way - but wow she is such a cutie - I love seeing her everyday on your blog!
    BTW I love your card - such pretty color combination!

  3. Looks like it's cracking her up too!

  4. My little girl is cutting her whole roof right now:o(

    No fangs though -ADORABLE!

  5. I have not seen teeth like that so cute. Great for her Halloween costume.
    I love that card. That little snowflake is so cool.
    Doesn't your blog friend live in CA? Way she came a long way to visit you. LOL When are you going to take me to lunch? I would really rather play with all your card stuff than eat. Hee Hee

  6. I'm SO envious that you had lunch with Elise! I never checked my email until this morning, or I'd have been there with you both! At least I did get to talk with her on the phone! That's a great photo of you two, and I'm glad you had the chance to meet one another :)
    Great card, and cute fangs too :) Nope, I've never seen those teeth come in before the front teeth do!

  7. my daughter's teeth came in like that. It was so funny!

  8. LOVE that sweet baby smile! Never saw "fangs" before, though! LOL

    CUTE card, LeAnne! I LOVE those big snowflakes!

    Am SO jealous of your lunch date yesterday!

  9. Wow, we are getting organised for Christmas. This card is another stunner. PS: Both my chn. cut their teeth like that - 'on the cross' was what the 'experts' dubbed it.

  10. I am a huge fan of Christmas cards in non-traditional colors and this one is gorgeous!! Looks like you had a fun lunch-date, too. All that food looks pretty yummy!

    Cassidy's "fangs" are too cute!! She doesn't look they are bothering her too much, though. Look at those stinkin' adorable! :)

  11. this just looks like TOO much fun ~ one day LeAnne, I would love to sit across a table with a nice cup of coffee and chat chat chat!

  12. Oh my heavenly cuteness! Those "fangs" seem to crack up Cassidy too! Adorable--and your non-traditional Christmas card is lovely!

  13. Love the card you made with the colours from the Just Add Ink challenge, soft with the vellum and I like how you have tied your ribbon through the snowflake. Children don't read the 'How To' manual first!

  14. Ohh I like it I like it....would not have thought to put purple on Christmas....but it works. Great job. And I love that laughing smile. Very cute. Chantell (JAI DT)

  15. Love the fangs! too cute and gorgeous Christmas are onto it!

  16. Heyyyyyyyyy! I know those gals! {Okay, I don't really know the little cutie-toothed cherub, but KINDA!} Wow, LeANNE! We are ADORABLE, too! hee hee Seeing that YUMMY lunch has me wishing to go back, even more! It definitely was a highlight of my trip, that special time with you. It was PERFECT. You are as delightful as I'd imagined and your FANTASTIC work, continues to inspire me! Thanks for ALL the kindenss {!} *wink* I ADORE you! xoxoxo!

  17. The two teeth Cassidy are getting in are the same two Maisie is getting in right now... I hope they fit - she has all the teeth that are around those!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!