

Monday, May 16, 2011

3-Challenge Santa


I am doing my weekly Christmas card early this week!  There are three challenges that this card is for:

Well, you can’t think of Santa without thinking of gifts, so I chose my absolute favorite Crafty Secrets vintage Santa image and paired it with some Melissa Frances paper, using shades of Marina Mist and Not Quite Navy:


The colors match much better in real life!  I had some old seam binding I got at a yard sale which matched the colors perfectly, so I anchored it with a HPH Vanilla brad.  The CB folder was also inked on the flat side with MM ink before I ran it through my Big Shot.  The only think I wish I hadn’t done is add so many snowflakes….I think just a couple would have been enough, but you know how fun it is once you start stamping!!!


Thanks for visiting today!

  • Stamps:  Vintage Christmas, CS
  • Paper:  VV, Marina Mist, Melissa Frances Home for the Holidays
  • Ink:  Marina Mist, Not Quite Navy
  • Acc: CB EF, Nestie, HPH brad, seam binding


  1. So adorable and I love the colors, LeAnne! Perfect holiday card for sure! :)

  2. oh no, no, no, there are definitely NOT too many snowflakes, they are ♥PERFECTLY balanced, as is everything about this very VERY lovely card! (that santa ROCKS...and so does the cool seam binding--great find!) :)

  3. Very pretty. Love the style and colors. TFS
    Stop by my blog, I have an award for you.

  4. Oh I love the colors you used. So pretty. I love that image I have it. I should go make one right now, but....

  5. What a vintage beauty this is, all done in blue! Gorgeous!

  6. Lovely card in the blues-love it!

  7. Beautiful shades of blue on this card. I think the number of snowflakes is perfect ... Not too many at all! And that image is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Leanne--this is a wonderful Christmas card in blue!!!! I love the embossing folder you chose! You did a fantastic job with this card!!!! Thanks for playing along with us at Speedy the Cat's Friends challenge this week!

  9. Santa looks so elegant in blue ... and that seam binding is an awesome find ... so glad you joined our jingle belles fun.

  10. A weekly Christmas card? Fabulous! You'll be so glad when December rolls around. I love it, too. Very vintage. But I especially love the little sweetie in the second photo. Adorable!

  11. Love this blue Santa image - what a great card. Miss Cassidy looks especially charming today - give her a big hug from me.

  12. LeAnne ~ every time I make me smile ~ TFS ~ have a wonderful evening :-)

  13. The blue you used is perfect, I love this card. What a great vintage Santa image! Beautiful!


  14. LeAnne this is such a great holiday card - I love that Santa image! Thanks for playing with Speedy's Friends!

  15. LeAnne, your card is really pretty, but that beautiful baby girl below the card is GORGEOUS!

  16. Note to self: go to more yard sales for crafting supplies! :) I really like the soft blues you used on this vintage-style beauty. The embossing is such a great detail, too. Thanks for inspiring me to get a head start on my holiday cards, too. This year is just flying by....

  17. Absolutely gorgeous - and you know you can't stop the snowflakes once they get started .... lol! Love the pix of the cutie pie too and that wallpaper in the background is pretty wonderful too! My sailor is heading for the sea as of yesterday morning and hopes to be in the water by the end of the month! Leaves me with much too much time on my hands though - oh well I guess I'll have to get stamping! ~chris

  18. the image is gorgeous and the shades of blue you have used are really unusual but so lovely

  19. I have fallen in love with the wonderful blueness of this card. So calm and peaceful. You never cease to amaze me!

  20. I love the soothing blues on this card. PErfect.

  21. LeAnne, it's good to see you here at Mark's Finest Papers! So glad you came to play. :) I like this vintage Santa, and now you have another holiday card DONE! (PS - what a cutie patootie that baby is)


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