

Monday, April 11, 2011

This & That and some Blog Candy

Hey everyone! I had an extremely busy weekend, so I haven’t had a chance to stamp a thing! I did go to the Heirloom Stamp Show in Allentown, PA and got to meet one of my blog friends, Doris, of The Stamping Tower:


Here we are with her friend Jackie:

2011-04-09--Stamp Show 002

and with my friend & downline, Lesley (marleygo on SCS) :


We saw lots of people we knew; I was absolutely thrilled that some people recognized me from my blog and graciously introduced themselves, and we just had a lot of fun!!!

I promised that once I hit 300 readers, I’d have some BLOG CANDY! So here we go! I seem to be caught up in a vintage theme lately…I just love to see children’s retro and vintage images and old-fashioned themes in cards and projects, and even though I know some of you are not “vintage”, I know you still have memories of your childhood!!! I grew up on a farm, and after we worked in our garden, we were allowed to go swimming in our pond!!! What a great time that was—we had a big wooden raft, a dock with a sliding board and my dad even put in a cement pad so that my mom could sit at the edge in her beach chair!!! So leave me a comment here about your favorite childhood memory….whether it be an Easter memory, another holiday celebration, summer vacation, whatever! I have three current Stampin’Up! hostess items (plus whatever else I might throw in the package) shown here to give to a random winner:


The sets are Silhouette Sentiments and Birthday Bakery, and a 6x6” In Color Patterns Designer Series Paper pack. (Sorry, I can only ship to US & Canada). You have until Friday midnight, April 15, to respond. Edited to add: you MUST include an email address in some way to be eligible....if I cannot contact you, I won't be able to mail you your goodies!

I went to my grand-nephew’s first birthday party yesterday….he was the popular man of the day, and so surrounded by his aunties that I wasn’t able to get a single picture of him! But of course, I did get a couple of Cassidy:




Hope you have a wonderful day! Can’t wait to hear from you!


  1. I enjoy following your blog - love your creativity and pics of your gdaughter!! ( : One of my fun memories is playing outside- we played a lot and had a wonderful time!

  2. Favorite childhood memory has to be spending all day at north avenue beach in Chicago.

    I stumbled across your blog and am loving it, very creative.

  3. Love the pics of Cassidy..I think she is such a cutie! Thanks for sharing your ideas and cards with all of us. Now blog candy too? I am up for that!
    Have a great day!!

  4. Love your blog! Also, love seeing pictures of your granddaughter. She is precious! One of my favorite summer memories is playing hide and seek at night with the neighborhood kids. I live in a rural area in central Pa and we would get together after vacation bible school let out. It was just fun hanging out after dark with your friends. Thanks for your blog candy offer! Joyce

  5. One of my favorite memories from childhood was listening to my mother laugh. She had a loud and infectious laugh!

  6. Love your blog candy! I have many memories of crafting with my mom. We didn't craft all the time, but I remember around holidays she would always find something fun for us to do. Often gifts at Christmas were something that we had made together. I guess that's why I love stamping now!

  7. You never cease to amaze me with your talent. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win such yummy candy! My favorite childhood memories were when we would rent a cabin on a lake every summer in upstate NY. Swimming and water skiing were my favorite things to do then.

  8. I love your blog and the pics of Cassidy. Your cards always inspire me. One of my favorite memories of a very unique Easter. My father was in the Air Force and the Easter Sunrise service was on the base flight line with a silver cross placed on the nose of a B-52. The cross glistened as the sun caught it.

  9. Memories of riding my bike from sun up to sun down, climbing trees and playing kick the can. Can you tell I was a tomboy and now a senior citizen!!!

  10. Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the stamp show and meeting friends. I really enjoy your blog with all your lovely creations and especially the pics of your granddaughter - grandchildren are grand.
    Some of my favorite childhood memories is spending the night with my grandmother. Very special times.

  11. One of my fav childhood memories is Christmas when I was five. Both my younger sister and I found Chatty Cathy dolls under the tree!!

    Verrrry EXCITING!!!

  12. Sounds like you had a great weekend.

    A favorite childhood memory is of the carefree days we spent at the beach.

    Love that last picture of Cassidy.

  13. Neat photos-love Cassidy's little teeth showing through!

    We lived in a rural area and I loved when the Bookmobile came around during the summer months. I love to read and it was a delight to pick from all those books. Well, it couldn't have been that many in that van but sure seemed like it to me!

  14. Congratulations on your 300 readers. My favorite childhood memory is hiking in the backyard hills with my best friend. They are great memories.

  15. I sure enjoy the pictures of Cassidy. Does she ever wear the same outfit twice? My favorite memory is reading library books with my friend in a tent that my dad would put on a closeline between the two weeping willow trees in our backyard. We are still friends after 70 years and both still read every day.

  16. First thing that came to mind was going camping with my family. Fishing, swimming, long nature was all good. Thanks for a chance at some wonderful blog candy. jmniffer

  17. Oh that looks like so much fun. The picture of Cassidy really says it all. My favorite childhood memory. You know that is hard I was afraid of everything. I guess it would have been when I was doing crafts with my great Aunt Jane. She really brought out my creative spirit at an early age.
    Thanks for asking you made me remember something I loved.

  18. Congratulations on 300 followers!!!! It looks like you had a BLAST this weekend!! My Mom is no longer around, and I really miss her more than words can say, but every wonderful memory is having fun with her!! I absolutely LOOOOOVED the yummy smells always coming from the kitchen (she was a GREAT cook)!! But the best memories I have, were when we would just go to the store (kind of like a Rite Aid) and buy miscellaneous things and just laugh and laugh the entire trip!! We were almost like VERY good friends, as well as mother & daughter!! It's been 8 years and I still miss her sooooo much every day!!!!

  19. LeAnne, you couldn't possibly be more adorable is what I'm thinking as I scroll through and then there's Cassidy!! Oh, I just love her little face!

  20. LeAnne, Congrats on your 300 followers as you know I enjoy your blog. Always inspiring to all of us! Love the pictures of Cassidy she just gets cuter everyday!
    My favorite childhood memory would be always sitting around the dining room table on Saturday because Daddy would be there and it was lunch meat day. Create your own sammie day. Laughing and talking. Daddy worked night work so Sat. & Sun. we had him at dinner with us. TFS and the chance to win some candy!

  21. Love your blog - your granddaughter is beautiful - and I love stampin' up stamps! Thanks for the chance to win!

  22. Your blog is so much fun! My childhood memories were spending time with my grandma. Great memories!

    Thanks for the chance to win some awesome blog candy.

  23. I have great memories of going to my aunt and uncles lake cabin. It was very rustic but a wonderful place to be with family.
    Thanks for sharing pics. of Cassidy! She is growing so quickly.

  24. LeAnne I love your card and you're certainly right about the 'guy' thing.
    My favorite memories are of how "simple" things seemed to be back then, (as compared to the RUSH of everything today). I DO love the new technology (especially blogland), but sometimes I just wish things would slow down. We had no cell phones, but we TALKED, we had no internet, but we VISITED our family/friends, we had no Ipods, PCs, Gameboys, etc, but we PLAYED.... so guess that's my favorite childhood memories.
    Your little Cassidy is a such a cutie patootie! Hugs.

  25. YOUR memory made me think of my fav. As a child, we spent the summer on my grandmother's dairy farm and my siblings and I spent hours in just our underpants, playing in the cow pastures. We'd get all muddy in the pasture, then jump in the irrigation ditches to wash off. Ahh, the innocence of childhood!

  26. Oh my...look at that little precious face! That last photo of Cassidy is wonderful! That is cool that you got to meet some blogging pals and that you had a great time!! Great blog candy too!! One of my favourite childhood memories is a Christmas was Christmas morning and we all went down to our TV room to see what Santa had brought to us, as we walked into the room our tree lit up automatically! My sister and I both squealed with delight! Must have been Santa :D! I will never forget it!

  27. My parents took the three of us children on a 3 week camping trip every summer. We took along our matchbox car collections and at our campsites we would make roads in the dirt and play for hours with those cars!

  28. LeAnne, congrats on getting really close to your milestone of 300 readers! very cool and well deserved.
    Secondly, who couldn't resist taking pictures of that gorgeous face :-) Cassidy's, of course!

  29. One of my favorite childhood memories was of making my first doll quilt and berry pie with my Grandmother. ~Amy S.~

  30. A favorite childhood memory is: the hours and hours my Mother spent with me. On the weekends we would get out the cards or board games and play for hours. Mom would sit in her chair, me on the floor, and the game on the footstool. And, my Dad would have a country music record playing. Lots of good memories. When I think of it now, I am so thankful that my Mom spent so much time with me. She could have done something else, something probably more fun for her.

  31. I love watching your blog-great ideas and love to watch the baby grow...she is a dorable.

  32. I have fond memories of spending summers with my girlfriends. We've been together since the 2nd grade and we're celebrating our
    60th birthday this year! We still see each other regularly and are as close as can be. Thank you for sharing!

  33. My favorite memory is my summer holidays with my family as a kid. Every year we'd pack up the van and travel somewhere (even if it was just a few hours away it felt like such a great adventure!)
    I love the pictures you post of your granddaughter - I have a daughter who is only a few months older and I love to compare the pictures of the two girls!

  34. My BFF and I played with our dolls out in her backyard under this enormous tree. And the branches of the tree were really low, so it seemed like a protected grotto or fairy-land.

  35. Hi LeAnne, Love your blog, grand daughter photos and your beautiful creations. My favorite summer time memory was going to Dodger baseball games on ladies night. I have four sisters and my dad would take all 6 of us. Blog Candy - FUN!! Again congrats on the 300!

  36. Birthday cakes were so much fun. Mom would wrap surprises in waxed paper and bake them in the cake. You might find a thimble or button, but it was more exciting to get the penny or dime. Sounds pretty tame now, but we liked it.
    lrodgers at gmail dot com

  37. Great Pictures!!! Thanks so much for the inspiration your blog gives me!!! I am an avid follower!

  38. I love your artwork, always fun to look at your little grandbaby, she's so precious, hugs...Gina F

  39. Your little Cassidy is growing up so quickly :) She is a doll - of course you already know that LOL!

    Congrats on 300 followers and thanks for the chance to win some goodies. A favorite childhood memories would be the years we spent in Costa Rica when we were kids. Loved running through the sugar cane and coffee plantations our neighbours had, playing in the tree house, flying to the beach in a Cessna and landing on the beach if the tide was out or in the cow pasture if it was in (had to do a fly by to scare the cows off the field first and then come around a second time to land), playing in the ocean, building sand castles, Easter Egg hunts outside and finding some candy for weeks afterwards. We could ride our bikes anywhere and play until dark with all the kids in the cul-de-sac. Fabulous memories!!

  40. I have a sweet aunt who had no children. She would take my 3 brothers and I swimming at a huge pool in a town a few miles from our house. We always had a great time.( I love my daily fix of Cassidy pix you share with us.

  41. Being able to play safely outside until dark - we took that privilege for granted back then. But night-time play closer to home was ok too - caught lots of lightning bugs in Mason jars - what magic.

  42. I grew up with an older brother and a younger brother. Being the only girl I did whatever they did...needless to say I was a grubby little tomboy! Always dirty little girl who played basketball, cars and trucks etc.
    Wouldn't change it if I could. Love those brothers of mine!

  43. I love your blog! Your granddaughter is adorable!
    My favorite childhood memory is camping with my father! We had to take a boat to get to the site. Then we would go fishing and play hide n seek in the dark. We always had so much fun!

  44. some of my favorite summer memories was going to my grandparents house in Illinois who lived out in the country, we lived in the city in Ok. We would play outside with the cousins, chasing lightning bugs and rolling down the grassy hill playing "king of the hill." Pretty fun!!! And,I love seeing your Granddaughters happy face in your blog.

  45. Love looking forward to seeing what is new on your blog & seeing pictures of your gr.daughter (LOVE THOSE GRANDDAUGHTERS!) I have 5, and can never get enough of them. Love memories of visits with my grandmother and her baking us treats for our visit!
    Ilene B.

  46. That is the cutest baby, she has the longest fingers. Good for playing piano. Anyway, when we were kids we did the egg hunt in the backyard. One year my sister scared a bunny out of his hole. The bunny took off with my sister after it. The bunny went under the gate and my sister knocked herself out running into the gate. We still laugh about it.

  47. My favorite childhood memory (or at least one of them :) is the year my birthday was on easter. I felt so special celebtrating my day of birth with the day that Jesus brought NEW & ETERNAL life!!
    Thanks for the opportunity for blog candy and for all the inspiration you share!

  48. Congatulations on 300 readers. I love to read your blog. Your pictures always make me smile.

  49. TFS all these great photos! I wasn't aware that you knew Lesley but I'd love to meet her one day! Now I know where Cassidy gets her great smile! From Mom and Gramma!! You both have great smiles :)
    I was blessed to have a happy childhood filled with many good memories. My favorite was probably when the last report card came out for the school year - my Pop-Pop gave me a dime for every A I earned, and payday was always so sweet :)

  50. My favorite childhood memory is the days that we used to go stay i our trailer in Brown County.

    Thanks for the chance to win and congrats on 300 followers!
    jtg0398 at sbglobal dot net

  51. What an adorable little one! Thanks for the chance at some goodies. I'd love to win them.
    My fav memory is playing with all my cousins and having family reunions and get togethers. I so miss those reunions.
    terriavidreader at yahoo dot com

  52. looks like a fun time was had by all ~ thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures ~ have a wonderful day

  53. Hi LeAnne - my favorite childhood memories are spending the summers in Atlantic City on the beach, going to Million Dollar Pier on the rides once a week and eating Salt Water Taffy!
    I am loving the daily pics of Cassidy - she is just so cute!!

  54. I'm always excited to see some action on 'wee inklings', especially since it usually includes a pic of such an adorable wee one. ;o) THANKS for the chance at such AWESOME candy!

  55. What a lovely & precious BABY!!! :) Made me smile! Some favorite Childhood memories are of how I loved staying back to spend my time around home with my two wonderful Great Grandmas while the rest of the kids were busy going places. As an adult, I loved spending time with my beautiful Grandparents who raised me. Sadly, they are not around anymore, but I hold on tightly to their loving memories and all the special moments. Thank you for asking. :)

  56. my favorite child memory was @ Christmas, every year we would go over to Eddie & Millie's & I would play with their dog Tiny. Millie died when I was 9 or 10 & it all stopped after that. But Tiny the dog would be the thing I would look forward to every year cause we all know what it was like to go visiting when we were a Thank you for the chance to win blog candy. I come back to your blog everyday to see what new project you have to share. I have you book marked & enjoy learning new techniques with you and many others. Your granddaughter is a beautiful little girl, you must enjoy her happy face considerately. Take care & congrats on your 300 mark :)

  57. Great pictures. Beautiful baby.
    thanks for the chance to win.
    annadowdy at gmail dot com

  58. Congratulations, LeAnne! It is no surprise to see that you have so many followers. Farming is part of my childhood memories, also. Having pets to play with was priceless. Waiting for the mailman! Swinging from my tree swing and hanging out in my tree fort...good times, all.

  59. Congrats on your milestone! I posted your giveaway on my blog: Hmmmm... fav childhood memory... probably my bday parties. I'd have 3 or 4 of my closest friends over and my mom would make AMAZING cakes- gingerbread house, unicorn under a rainbow, Star Wars... a lot of fun. Thanks for the chance!

  60. What a great giveaway! I'm a new follower, very happy to have found your awesome blog! I'd love for you to stop by mine as well...I'm giving away a just released Cricut cart :)

  61. Favorite childhood memory, having big Birthday parties with all my cousins and having dance contests!!! So much fun!

  62. I check your website almost daily for inspiration (and the pictures of your grand-daughter!!) Thanks for keeping up on this!!


  63. Congrats on the 300 readers! It was great seeing you on Saturday!! :)

  64. Love your pictures and your blog is great!! Fun memories I have are when my parents would take me, brothers and sisters and all my cousins to the beach for the day.
    I am a new follower of yous, would love it you would stop over to my blog and follow too:) Thanks for a chance to win:)
    Sherrie K

  65. My favorite memories are from the vacations, going to the beach and swimming with my dad, or making sand castles in the shore...
    THanks for the chance, I just find your blog :)

  66. Congrats on 300 followers, and I'm one of them! Love your creations and your darling granddaughter. My favorite childhood memory is Christmas when I was 7 (a long time ago) when Santa brought me a Barbie doll. Remember my mom later telling me all she went through to even find one available to buy because they were so popular (1st year on the market). Thanks for offering such awesome blog candy ~ I would put it all to good use!
    bdlakebum at yahoo dot com

  67. Just discovered your blog. It is wonderful. I plan on following. One of my favorite childhood memories is playing in the creek behind our house. Dipping my feet in, looking for frogs, etc. Growing up in the country was great (although I didn't always appreciate it at the time).

    kellystone 03 @ yahoo . com

  68. Just love following your blog and all of your creativity! Thanks for sharing with us. My favorite childhood memories are of climbing up into silver maple trees in our yard and spending whole summer mornings up there reading books or day dreaming! Oh, to be a child again!

  69. One of my favorite Easter memories is waking up to find sand toys behind my door that the Easter bunny brought. Now my son wakes up to find new sand toys too - Just love that Easter bunny.

    I enjoy checking everyday your blog - it inspires me to want to go into my craft room.

  70. How did I miss this post? Love all the cute granddaughter pictures :) paperobsessedatgmaildotcom


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!