

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A La Card Monkey Challenge 52


Happy Saturday, peeps!  My sweet friend Shirley asked me to be the guest designer today for her new challenge blog, A La Card Monkey!   Can you tell she has a great sense of humor!?  She gave me this sketch/theme as the challenge:


So you can use the sketch; or the theme; or both!  I chose both, and pulled out my Every Little Bit set to ink up that little cuppa’ somethin’ image---it could be coffee, hot chocolate, tea—whatever your heart and taste buds desire:

Monkey52 challenge

I realized I had never used any of this plaid and herringbone from Pawsitively Prints DP, and the colors were so sweet, I just had to incorporate it into my card!  My little tags are from Tiny Tags; the Tempting Turquoise scallop mat was made with the 3x3” scallop from the Scallop Squares duo die; I spliced it and repositioned it to fit my image---if you look very closely at the lower right hand side, you can see where it was reglued together.  Poppy Parade Patterns DP was also used, and my images were stamped with Stazon and colored with ink and a blender pen!  I hope you will monkey on over to the A La Card Monkey blog to play along!  Meanwhile, here’s another little monkey for you:


  • Stamps: Every Little Bit, Tiny Tags
  • Paper:  VV, Tempting Turquoise, Poppy Parade Patterns & Pawsitively Prints DP
  • Ink:  Stazon, Real Red, Tempting Turquoise
  • Acc:  Scallop Squares Duo Die, Tiny Tag Punch, Narrow & Wide Grosgrain Ribbon, Brads, Dimensionals, Blender Pen, Jelly Roll pen, EKSuccess Wide Scallop Border Punch


  1. LeAnne... Your card is Fab!! I love the colors and that you used that tiny little cup and how cute is that. I always get stuck with the tiny images and never know what to do with them. And thank you so much for being a GD for us at A La Card Monkey!


  2. I love this card LeAnne! I've got to pull this stamp set out and play....painting is just about done! yippee.....oh, and those toes....can't wait to be in my bare feet as well, woke up to an inch of April???? Have a great day
    Denise :-)

  3. Everyday, you are a must visit blog. Your cards are always wonderful and the pictures of your granddaughter are such a treasure.


  4. What a cute little image and the papers are just perfect. And, of course, I needed my Miss Cassidy fix for the day - look at her showing her little toes to the sun.
    Luv this child!

  5. What an absolutely beautiful card, LeAnne! I love the scallops, colors, images... well... just everthing! Love it all!! Beautiful job!

    Little Monkey is absolutely beautiful!!! :)

    Hugs, Ash-

  6. Love the papers on your card and those big scallops along the bottom.....and lol about the "monkey" at the bottom of your post. My word, she's SUCH a cutie!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!