

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

ColourQ79 & JUGS78


It’s Tuesday, and that means ColourQArielle has challenged us with this delightfully fresh color combo today:


I wish I had cute little legs so I could wear this pretty outfit!! LOL!  But I have to satisfy my desire with making a card!  We have a close friend from church who is struggling with breast cancer, so I combined the colors with SU’s new Strength & Hope and Four Frames sets to make a card for her.  They are both beautiful sets, but SU will be donating $2 to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation for every Strength & Hope set that’s sold…another great reason to add it to your collection.  Anyway, I used the JUGS sketch 78:


and here is my card:


I used my Stamp-a-ma-jig to line up the sentiment block on the circular panel, inking it in Melon Mambo and stamping once on my scrap paper so the color would be lighter.  The butterfly was stamped in Melon Mambo also, cut out, then smooshed into a Versamark pad and heat embossed with Iridescent Ice embossing powder:


I just LOVE these colors together---this will be one of my favorites for sure!  I even used a few leftover flowers to adorn the inside of my card as well:


I sure hope you’ll be able to play along with them too; why don’t you flutter on over to the ColourQ blog to see what the other courtiers have come up with?  And share your creation as well!


  • Stamps:  Strength & Hope, Four Frames, Ribbon of Hope, Thoughts & Prayers
  • Paper:  WW, Bermuda Bay, Melon Mambo, Old Olive, Whisper White, Night & Day and Old Olive Patterns DP
  • Ink:  Bermuda Bay, Melon Mambo, Old Olive, Versamark, Basic Black, Pretty in Pink
  • Acc:  Nesties, Grosgrain Ribbon, Pompom Trim, Itty Bitty Punch Pack, Decorative Label Punch, Iridescent Ice EP, Rhinestones, Dotted Scallop Ribbon Border Punch

Look at these sweet little feet:



  1. Beautiful card creation for a great cause, LeAnne. Love the butterfly and the flowers especially!

    Love and blessings, Martha

  2. Another gorgeous card!! LOVE it! And those feet.....DEAR. GOD!!! I can't even stand it!!! Soooooo suh-weeeet!!!!

  3. WOWZA and sparkly to boot!!!! This is just gorgeous LeAnne. I saw that color combo this morning and wondered what the heck I'd do with it - you've inspired me! Love those tiny toes too! ~chris

  4. Oh very pretty. I like the little balls. Sweet feet too.

  5. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh you're killen me here with those cute little feet!!!

  6. LeAnn, this is just gorgeous! I love, love, LOVE that color combo and can't wait to try it out this week! Such a beautiful card for your friend. I'm sure she will love it. :)

    Eeek, look at those itty-bitty feet!! Too stinkin' cute!

  7. Sorry, but THIS card is MUCH cuter than those little legs and skirt {but I had the VERY same thought when I saw it, in fact, I'm pretty sure I HAVE that skirt, but I wouldn't be caught dead wearing it in PUBLIC anymore... THAT'S sad!} Anywhoo, I digress, ADORABLE use of the JUGS sketch, my dear! YOU know how awesome it is when you show your talented wares with "the girls" - LOVE it!

    {Now, let's not even bring those lil' feets into the discussion - just NOT fair, to anyone! Yeeeee Heeeee! I kind of miss not having one of those lil' dumplings any more...} *sob!* XOXO!

  8. Gorgeous card! I just love how you've done the inside as well, beautiful!

  9. I agree - this is a great color combo, and your card looks sensational! I LOVE all those tiny flowers.......and of course those tiny little feet steal the show too :)

  10. Sooooooo purdy!! I LOVE the colors!!

  11. Leanne this is just beautiful! I love those little flowers with the rhinestone centers and that beautiful butterfly! Such delicious eye candy here!

    Thanks so much for getting sketchy with Just Us Girls this week!

  12. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pink pom poms and your entire card! What a fun color combo!!! LeAnne, this is totally FABULOUS!!! Thanks so much for playing along with JUGS!!! Way to use the sketch!

  13. Ohhh! Super pretty LeAnne! This card is a perfect balance of color and detail! Thanks so much for playing with Just Us Girls this week!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!