

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Happy Tuesday to everyone!  Arielle’s colors today make me hungry!  Aren’t these cookies CUTE?  Well, I must have been thinking coffee or tea to go with them, because both cards for today and yesterday have cups on them!  I was reminded recently that I hadn’t used Tiny Teacup in a while, and when I saw the colors for the ColourQ today, I thought it would be a fun image to use.  


So here is my card:


The cups were stamped individually, cut out and stacked; a little sentiment from You’re A Gem is at the top, backed by a Blossom nestie, and some rickrack & button wrap it all up.  Each panel has been embossed with the Perfect Polkadot EF!  EASY!!!  I hope you’ll be able to play along with us, and make sure you check out all the other sweet samples at the CQC blog


Here’s a little something I could eat up too:


Have a blessed day!


  1. I'm loving this color blocked card with those cute teacups and bundled ric-rac! Too cute! And then there's that other cutie pie! What a fun picture to wake up to :)

  2. LeAnne,

    The colors of this challenge really make this card "pop" and I love the white on white matting and the 4 colors as the background and the dotted Swiss texture fits perfectly with the dotted cups. Wonderfully, creatively thought out! You're the best! And don't worry about writing, you'll catch up soon. I did post a few things on my blog recently, so you have some "brightness" to catch up with. We have had such gray days that my cards seem to lean to being bright!

    Love and blessings, Martha

  3. Your cut & stacked tea cups are adorable ~ gonna be doing that! ~ and Cassidy, well she actually made me laugh this morning! TFS LeAnne, have a wonderful day!

  4. I've got 25 boxes of card making supplies in the garage as we speak...all I can say is I have a giant case of embarrassment over ALL THIS STUFF!!!!!!

  5. I'm loving this color combo! Love your take on the challenge! The textured color blocks and the stacked teacups are awesome!

  6. The way you did the cups on this card is great - love that idea.

    Just about fell off my chair when I saw Cassidy today - wonder what's going on in her little brain - such a look! You can just see the wheels that child!

  7. Love the way you attached the rickrack.

  8. LeeAnne, I don't know what made me smile more...your adorable card or sweet Cassidy's face in that photo! Too CUTE! :)

  9. I love what you did with the colors and embossing! Very cute card-and a very cute face there too :)

  10. Ohhhhhh, love these colors....and now I want to get out my Cool Caribbean!!

  11. Such a clean and elegant use of this fabulous colors LeAnne! Love your stack of cups and how the polka dot EF matches the polka dot cups! Adorable!


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