

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Christmas Card Challenge 11


I had a little stamping time today and realized I have been slacking on my Christmas cards!!!  I found a new challenge called, appropriately enough, Christmas Card Challenges!  This week, the challenge was “shopping”:

CCCWeek #11

I made two cards for the challenge.  The first is CAS and I let the Basic Grey Wassail DP do most of the work:


I used a SU sentiment from All Holidays stamped in Always Artichoke, and a Waltzingmouse frame stamp that fits the Labels 4 nesties, stamped in Riding Hood Red.   I also stamped a few little polka dots on the RHR mat:


I popped up a little present cutout and finished it off with some baker’s twine.

The next one again uses Wassail, this time with images from Artistic Outpost and a masking technique:

DSCF6638The card base is Cherry Cobbler, stamped with Woodgrain; I cut a Top Note from the BG paper, stamped the images on Naturals white in Cherry Cobbler and overstamped with the Linen BG stamp in Crumb Cake.  The edges of both the main panel and the Sahara Sand mat were distressed.  Finally, some MS greenery punchouts and a little tag attached to some Cherry Cobbler seam binding finished it off:


Some MS glitter adds just a little sparkle!

Thanks for visiting today---I should have a post tomorrow and then on to my blog vacation!  Here’s a little Cassidy fix for you:


I think I caught her by surprise!!! Enjoy!


  1. Oh is she going with you? How love is the vacation? Have a wonderful time.
    I love the Christmas cards! I still have not made one.

  2. These are fantastic Christmas cards, they have a warm vintage feel to them.
    Cassidy looks so bright and happy, love those bright blue eyes.

  3. Both of these are gorgeous! I love all of the details. So glad you joined us for this weeks CCC! We hope you'll play along again! :)

  4. Like both cards but especially the sled card. Cassidy is a great Monday morning fix. Grin

  5. Cassidy is looking so adorable!!! I love your Christmas cards, LeAnne - I might have to go check out that challenge. What a great way to plan and have one less thing to do during the holidays!

  6. What wonderful Christmas cards. I love the frame image for the nestie you used on the first card.

    So glad you found Christmas Card Challenges and I hope you'll join us again. Thanks for playing.

  7. What a fantastic Christmas card!!! And your sweet little GD is looking as cute as ever!!!

  8. Hi LeAnne,

    I am soo lazy. I look at all your postings through Feedblitz and then I forget to go to your blog and comment. Forgive me! I will try to do better. The Wassail CS is a favorite of mine. Love the gifts on there and you matched the colors perfectly. Both cards are gorgeous.

    Love and blessings, Martha

  9. There you go again... getting those Christmas cards done already! LOL They're beautiful!

  10. What a sweetie! I love the cards, too! Awesome paper!

  11. great card!! love the popped up present. :) Thanks for joining us on the Christmas Card Challenges Blog!

  12. She is just a little sweet heart! I don't know how you make cards with her around...I'd just want to play with her!


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