

Saturday, January 15, 2011

CPS98 Birthday


Happy Saturday, everyone!  We have a pretty relaxing day today, just a birthday party to attend, so I decided to make a card for the recipient!  His dad was a pilot in WWII, and actually owned a plane after the war.  Our friend said he grew up assuming that everyone had a plane in their backyard!!!  I thought the new SU set Plane and Simple would be great for his card, and I got a chance to use some new paper that a sweet friend gave me!  So here we go!  I used the CPS challenge #98 shown here:


but instead of using a circle, I used a rectangle and made this a tab card---buckle card----not sure what you call it!  You decide:


You slip the end from beneath the vertical panel and it opens like this:


And here’s the inside:


Hope he likes it!  Have a great day!

  • Stamps:  Plane & Simple, SU; Birthday Centers, CHF
  • Paper:  Cherry Cobbler Patterns DP; On the Boardwalk, Graphic 45; Misc CS
  • Ink:  Basic Black, Cherry Cobbler
  • Acc:  1/4” Circle Punch, Brads, Oval Punch, 1 1/4” Circle Punch, Designer Label Punch


  1. LeAnne, what a perfect stamp choice for your birthday card. Love the way you changed up the sketch a little to incorporate the plane. Fabulous job - as always.

  2. Wonderful masculine card, LeAnne! Love the colors and patterns in the dp! Great sketch to use for a gatefold card too!

  3. What a lovely and masculine card. This is just so thoughtful. May he has a blessed birthday and may you enjoy celebrating with your family.

  4. Such a great guy card...I'm sure he'll love it!

  5. love your card LeAnne, everything about it ~ would love to create something this weekend, but we're away at our grandson's hockey in Fargo, ND ~ have a super weekend and enjoy the birthday party!

  6. Wow what a get masculine card! I love it. I really love the way it opens. Sooo cool!

  7. Super card! Don't have an airplane stamp, but just purchased a locomotive. Hmmmm.... I'm thinking I could incorporate your idea using a train theme. Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. GREAT way to use that sketch, LeAnne! That's an awesome GUY card!

  9. Great masculine card! I'm sure he will love it! Thanks for visiting my blog and for all your sweet comments! Have a great day! :)

  10. Hi LeAnne
    It is hard to come up with "guy" cards sometimes. This is a great idea!

  11. Such a wonderful masculine card!!! Love the design...thanks for joining us at Card Patterns!!

  12. This is so clever, LeAnne! Love the outside AND the inside! Thanks for joining us at Card Patterns!

  13. I love your masculine card. Thank you for explaining the closure on it--great idea. Thanks for posting!
    :) Marie Flayer in NJ


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