

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

CQC62 & JUGS62


A double play today----the ColourQ colors and the JUGS sketch!  Here are the fun colors:

cqc62and here is the sketch:


My FIL’s birthday is this week, and this card just about matches his personality:  bright & bold!  He is a real go-getter at 80+ years, extremely active and doesn’t hesitate to tell you all his attributes, including his age, LOL!!!  So this is for him:


I used my little pennant diecut from Laura to make my flags; the diecut letters are Billboard, from SU, the sentiments and star images are from Papertrey.  A fun, happy card!  I hope that you can play with these bright colors over at the ColourQ blog, and you can see that they don’t have to be just for Christmas, either!  And here’s another bright colorful creation for you:


See that little gleam on her chin?  Lots & lots of drool….and gumming things….and putting things in her mouth… times to come, I think!

  • Stamps:  Papertray, Paper Trey
  • Paper:  WW, Real Red, Glorious Green, Daffodil Delight, Tempting Turquoise, TT Patterns DP
  • Ink:  Real Red, Glorious Green, Daffodil Delight, Tempting Turquoise
  • Acc:  Pennant Die, Bakers Twine, Star Punch, Circle Punch, Scallop Circle Punch, Brads, Dimensionals


  1. good morning, what a fun card and darling little face to wake up to this beautiful morning! Loving your creativity LeAnne ~ enjoy your day and your little munchkin!

  2. Oh my gosh, LeAnne!! This is so amazing!! I love it love it love it!! Love your colorful Sentiment Flags banner SOOOOO much! This ROCKS!!!!

  3. Oh, I don't know which bright and colorful creation I like better! LOVE how you used Laura's die here!!! Very cute... BOTH creations!

  4. What bright and happy cards you have created.. Love those banners.

    Hgus, Linda

  5. You did fantastic with all these bold colors LeAnne! Love the sentiment flags!

  6. What a great card - so colorful and bright! Gotta love that little one too - teeth coming in her future - definitely fun times? Is she ever NOT happy - that child's smile just lights up the world doesn't it! ~chris

  7. Well this is the most cheerful card I've seen in a long while! So so pretty! And that little granddaughter of yours is one of the cutest babies I've ever seen! She has the most beautiful eyes!

  8. Your little sweetie pie is as colorful as your card today! LOL Love that banner card, SOOOO cute!! I NEED to get some baker's twine now!
    BTW, the little cocoa bag you made was adorable with a capital A!!! Love that!

  9. Sweet, Sweet, Sweet and the card too!

  10. Great cards! The second is my fave...such bright happy colors! :)

  11. LeAnne, this just makes me smile! Awesome color combo and the pennants are SO cheerful! This will brighten anyone's birthday, instantly! Love that little cutie-patootie, too! She's a smiler! :)

  12. Love those FUN colors! What a fantastic card!

    ....and just look at that colorful photo of that sweet little girl, too. Beautiful!

  13. Oh my gosh, LeAnne!!! How fun is this?!?! Way to rock the sketch my friend!!! It's bound to absolutely make someone's day!!!
    Thanks so much for playing along with Just Us Girls!!!

  14. Your card is wonderful, so bright and cheery and that little bundle is so sweet!

  15. Fantastic LeAnne! This card just oozes happy bithday fun! Thank you for joining Just Us Girls this week and congrats!

  16. Wonderful card! I like all details and colors.

  17. FANTASTIC, LeAnne! AS if, your cards weren't ALWAYS amazing... is it possible that they are getting better, just so they can hold their own next to THAT BABY! hee hee Naaaaaaw. You're just THAT good! {hee hee} Congrats, to you my dear! You are on FANTASTIC COTW! Yipeeee!

  18. What a great card. So colorful and fun! I love this sketch!


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