

Thursday, November 18, 2010



When I looked at the Pals Paper Arts challenge this morning at 6:30 am, all I remembered was “use fabric or ribbon”----I totally forgot it was supposed to be clean & simple!  Oh well, I hope they don’t eliminate me like on Dancing with the Stars!!!  I wanted to make  a special birthday card for a special friend and I was determined to use this Blueberry Crisp DP that I just had to have, and was basically sitting unused in my bin!  I grabbed some leftover satin from my DD’s wedding gown and made a flower—so that qualifies for my fabric.   Here you go:


But I would not say this was clean & simple!  “Out there” would be more like it!  Anyway, I hope my friend likes it!  There is some glitter on one heart along with some other embellishments:


Thanks for visiting today!

  • Stamps:  Punch Potpourri, Friends 24-7, On Your Birthday
  • Paper:  VV, Pacific Point, Sahara Sand, Blueberry Crisp DP
  • Ink:  Pacific Point, Sahara Sand
  • Acc:  Small & Large Heart Punches, Small Oval Punch, Oval Scallop Punch, Corduroy Brad, Satin, Itty Bitty Shapes Punch Pack, Pearls, Victoria Lace, Dimensionals, Daubers



  1. I think it's beautiful, LeAnne! Your work is always beautiful no matter what the challenge is! Love the color combo and your silk flower is gorgeous! Nice job!

  2. This is beautiful LeAnne! Love your flower and that paper is one of my fav packs in the cattie!!

  3. Absolutely fabulous, LeAnne! I love all of the great details and the use of the fabric/ribbon! Great DSP! Plus it looks clean and simple to me! Thanks for playing at Pals Paper Arts!

  4. Love the card but did you lose the baby??? No picture today???? Don't start holding out on us poor girls that don't have a sweetie of our own!

  5. Love it! Love the colors, the flower (did you make a satin yoyo and put the cordoroy button inside?) and love the double stamping. You sure put a lot of love and creativity into your work and it is proven in how beautiful your work always is!

  6. Your satin flower is so pretty as is the card. I love looking over your supply list-always see something to go on my 'wish list'.

  7. So pretty, LeAnne! Makes me think I should break out MY unused Blueberry Crisp dp!

  8. Love your satin flower but I feel cheated; where is today's picture of that darling grandchild?

  9. Definitely qualifies - it's clean and simply perfect! The satin is just gorgeous - I love it!

  10. Gorgeous colors! Really love the hearts and the fun paper. Great combination of stuff!

  11. Fabulous card!!! Love how you combined the DSP patterns and the ribbon flower is gorgeous!!! Thanks for playing along with us at Pals Paper Arts!!!


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