

Monday, October 4, 2010

SSC171 & CAS87---not!!


Got a little stamping time today and my DGD is finally napping, so I can post. Truthfully, this is NOT a clean & simple card, although I did use the technique for today’s SCS CAS87 challenge…Faux Letterpress. I have used this before but never knew it actually had a name! You can find directions on the SCS site, but basically, you ink up the flat inside of your plastic embossing folder (as you run your hand over either side, the one that is NOT raised is the one you ink up) either just by smooshing your inkpad over the plastic or using a brayer, then adding your cardstock and running it through your Big Shot. Be sure to wash it off afterwards! You get this cool effect:


I used the Stamping 411 sketch171 and a CB embossing folder of autumn words, inked with Cajun Craze. The layers are matted with Always Artichoke and embellished with leaves from Day of Gratitude, which I received at Regionals. The little brads are SU’s Vintage Trinkets…so cute. I also used my new Color Spritzer—which will take a little practice! I admired the shabbiness of Ann’s vintage creations, so I shabbied up the edges as well. Here’s the sketch:

SSC171 sketch

I cheated a little, as my panels were bigger in order to get all the words in!!! Now, here’s my reason for late posting:



Be sure to come back for tomorrow’s ColourQ challenge!


  • Stamps: Day of Gratitude
  • Paper: Naturals Ivory, Crumb Cake, Always Artichoke, Deck the Halls DP
  • Ink: Cajun Craze, Always Artichoke
  • Acc: Distressing Kit, Seam Binding, Autumn CB embossing folder; dimensionals, Vintage Trinkets, Color Spritzer


  1. OMG - she is just the cutest!!! Great card too btw. ~chris

  2. What a cutie pie!!! I love love love the colored texture on this card, and the two leaves are simply perfect!! Awesome job with the sketch :)

  3. OMG LeAnne your GD is just the cutest!! Love her smile and her little outfit is adorable!! Oh and I love your card too!!!

  4. I'm sorry was there a card in this post? ;-)I was completely overwhelmed by the cuteness of your DGD--those cheeks, that smile, priceless. Oh and your card is fab too ;-)!

  5. She gets cuter with every picture! What a smile!
    I love your card! Those leaves are wonderful.I would love to know more about those leaves but I want you to hold that baby as much as you can. They just don't stay that little for very long.

  6. Awe, your darling GD is Gorgeous and so happy! Too cute! I miss babies! LOL!

    Your card is fantastic and had me wondering where that ef came from. I have not seen it before. Fabulous fall card and the technique I really must give a go. Great card, LeAnne!

  7. Oh, heavens! What a WONDERFUl technique.... I've never seen it done so successfully - this is a FANTASTIC card, m'dear! OF COURSE, you have so many {adorable!} reasons to be distracted from blogland - or anywhere else, for that matter! Excellent work! Yipeeeee!

  8. OMGosh, I LOOOOOOVE that card! Gorgeous!!!

  9. I say ink up those little fingers and toes and let her help you make a card! She is so adorable! Your card today is just beautiful - wonderful technique!

  10. Please do not quit sending pics of your granddaughter. I love every one of them and get so much pleasure from them. You have a terrific family.

  11. What a smile on that little one!!! Your card is lovely! The Faux Letterpress is especially striking on that embossing folder. Thanks for sharing!!

  12. I LOVE all the details on this card! The texture plate is awesome! DARLING sweet little girl, too!

  13. You had me looking at the card and ready to make all sorts of comments about the card until I saw your GD! She is GORGEOUS!!! ohhh..

  14. Love, love this card LeAnne! And I love seeing pics of your Granddaughter - she is such a sweetie!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!