

Monday, September 20, 2010



It’s been a few weeks since I have been able to participate in the CAS challenge at SCS! Today’s is a fall color challenge of kraft, red, vanilla & brown. My sister won a triathalon in SC yesterday; she came in first in her age class, so I thought this little card would be fun to send to her. We both love coffee and I certainly don’t have any triathalon-type stamps, so I thought she would get a kick out of this:


I love the embossing technique that Silke did here, so I cased that; her stamping is perfection! I struggled with wanting to add a ribbon or something, but I stuck with CAS! Okay, busy day, gotta run! Edited to add: the mini embossing folder I used is from Cuttlebug; it is called Just My Type.

  • Stamps: Itty Bitty Bits, Essential Sentiments, MFT
  • Paper: Crumb Cake, Very Vanilla
  • Ink: Cherry Cobbler, Chocolate Chip
  • Acc: CB EF, Scorer, 1/2” Circle Punch, Dimensionals

And here is my sister Gail (out of us three girls, she definitely got the athletic gene!):

Gail's Triathalon 2-1

Gail & Russ:

Gail's Triathalon

I’m pretty darn proud of her! Thanks for visiting today!


  1. This is darling! Cool Beans.....what a fun card and such a cute one at that!

  2. I love it! CAS at it's best! Congrats to your sister!

  3. Awesome card...awesome sister! And that little grandbaby of yours is too darn cute! I cannot believe she's a month old already!

  4. Love the did you do just a strip of Swiss Dots?? I look at your sisters picture and feel very unfit.
    Rene from OZ ox

  5. LeAnne, This card is awesome! I love the colors, and your use of the negative space, which is what CAS is all about, is wonderful! Great job. I have put you in my email additions so will see your cards EVERY TIME now. You are very talented and it shows. Isn't it wonderful that God made us all unique, even within the same family!

    Best wishes, Martha

  6. What an AWESOME CAS this, all the white space and the row of dotted swiss....sooo pretty!!!!

  7. This is definitely cool! Love the little punched cups! Congrats to your sister..that is quite an accomplishment.

  8. Triathalon? NO. THANK. YOU! LOL Fabulous card, though! Love the CAS design!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!